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Pseudo-Historian David Barton in the Times and on The Daily Show

…ew of the place of religion in America is simply NOT what Barton typically promotes. Going all the way back to that first book cited in the Times, Barton wrote:   “Currently this nation has no religious preference. It permits diversified religious freedom and extends no special recognition to any particular faith. This nation was not founded as it now exists. It was from its inception outspokenly Christian.” [italics in original]   … While there w…

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‘Reasons My Son is Crying’ and the Suffering of Children

…ebrows crooked toward one another like those of another famous, existentially seeking Charlie: Charlie Brown. “I have no idea why my son is crying,” says the caption. That’s the kicker, isn’t it? So often, we have no idea. The infinite gap between one mind and another, even between the minds of those so closely tied to us, is the one we just can’t get over… and the one that so many philosophers, theologians, artists, humans of New York and everywh…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…, the issue of condom use to prevent the spread of HIV will certainly be a central topic of debate. For many involved, the statement that Pope Benedict XVI made in 2010 still resonates. In a great leap forward for the Catholic Church, he said that using condoms to prevent the spread of HIV can be “a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.”  The fact that it came from the Pope meant not only that Cath…

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D’Souza: ‘Traditional Values’ for You, Freedom to Follow my Heart for Me

…we feel about someone else. At the same time, Christianity emphasized that free choice should also be binding choice. As we have consented to marry without coercion, we should live up to our vows and preserve marriage as a lifelong commitment.” (page 60) “Christianity did not contest patriarchy, but it elevated the status of women within it. The Christian prohibition on adultery—a sin viewed as equally serious for men and women—placed a moral leas…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…king two different languages. While I saw the Salvation Army’s support for Republican politics as wildly out of sync with the realities of the disadvantaged kids and families they serve—the very people who would benefit from health care reform and other progressive social policies—Miranda believed that the kids would be better served learning to trust that God, not the government, would provide for their physical needs. It was at this point that M…

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Christ is Pissed, Again

…actually been subject to violent attacks in the past. A crucial difference between “Innocence of Muslims” and Piss Christ is that the former is deliberately and unambiguously offensive—though to recognize as much is by no means to condone violence. The issue is not so clear with Piss Christ. The irony is that once we work through the initial shock value of Piss Christ, the image is, in many ways, profoundly Christian, a point that is completely lo…

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YouTube Terrorism

…two issues at stake are opposite: 1) Freedom of speech, which includes the freedom to poach on the fine line between public critique and satire (allowed), and defamation or hate speech (not allowed); and 2) Protection of US interests, including and especially diplomatic posts and personnel serving the US government abroad in a variety of other conflict settings. Much will be made of the murky elements on both sides: On the one hand, who made this…

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Manufactured Outrage Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform [UPDATE]

…and your network is that Democrats are godless people, they ought to know better, God is not a franchise of the Republican Party. Those of us who believe in God and those of us who have dedicated our lives to helping others in the name of God don’t want to take a second seat to anyone who is suggesting that one word out of the platform means the Democrats across America are godless. Update: Presumably trying to cut short critics’ focus on the abs…

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Rev. Sun Myung Moon Dead at 92

…associated with Mr. Moon in the United States. They were in keeping with a central tenet of his theology, a mix of Eastern philosophy, biblical teachings and what he called God’s revelations to him. In the church’s view, Jesus had failed in his mission to purify mankind because he was crucified before being able to marry and have children. Mr. Moon saw himself as completing the unfulfilled task of Jesus: to restore humankind to a state of perfecti…

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Is the Episcopal Church a Bain Capital Investor?

…wood berating what quickly became the Twitter meme #InvisibleObama was the central laugh line within and outside the house—for very different reasons—the campaign’s engagement with reality is certainly worth verifying. Second, even if it is the case that the financial arm of the Episcopal Church, the independent Church Pension Group, did invest when Bain Capital when it was formed in 1984, that doesn’t mean that they continue to hold that investme…

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