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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…diers. And they reverse-engineer those and start teaching people how to apply those ever more precisely to break down people. That’s what gets taught at the School of the Americas. It’s this fascinating story about how we literally become those people we fear and despise. But as I go on, I develop that same idea that you have that militarism is there to protect those other elements and further it. Are you one of those folks who question the need f…

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Pope Francis Dithering About Women, Skittish About Cops

…nate with ancient insights. We have learned that killing people who act badly only results in more evil; charging sky-high interest rates offends the common good. Male-only deacons (priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes while we’re at it) contradict postmodern norms of gender equality and limit the pool of those who are enabled and empowered to engage in ministry. Revelation provides direction toward increased justice; it’s not a checklist of his…

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Pussy Prophets & Nuns on Buses: Will Feminist Politics Get More Holy & Foolish?

…religion and politics meet, or feed into one another, can get really, really ugly. This isn’t news. And it will no doubt remain the case if political agendas that fight for sex, gender, or reproductive justice increasingly employ religious tradition as an ally (rather than a force to contend with). On the other hand, religions can also be beautiful machines that crank out hopes, visions, and divine ideas in the face of the most ruthless skepticis…

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Run Hajar Run

ly son and show he had more faith in God than love for his child. Fortunately, it was only a test, and God gave him a ram to sacrifice instead, with the lovely reminder in the Qur’an that it is not the blood that reaches Allah, but the piety of the one doing the sacrifice. Phew, good thing, huh? Of course, if both the Bible and the Qur’an point at this child being Abraham’s only son, I’m a bit confused how this got to be different, but never mind…

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How Does an Atheist Come to Believe in God?: An Interview with Jacob Needleman

…or how I feel about myself, or what I want to get materially, psychologically, socially. The question about religious emotion cannot be answered without making that distinction. And real spiritual feeling is an entirely different thing. it’s non-egoistic. It’s very personal, but it’s not me me me. Can an atheist feel religious emotion? The egoistic emotions can be very violent, agitating, destructive— the result, to some extent, of what the Buddhi…

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Beloved Immortals: Science, Miracles and ‘Jellyfish Time’

…y troll their tentacles through the water. Some of these dreams, I’ll readily admit, are actually rather captivating. The novelist Nathaniel Rich recently published a charming story in the New York Times about one such scientist. Japanese researcher Shin Kubota, Rich tells us, is the only scientist who maintains a captive population of the jelly called Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the “immortal medusa” or, more simply, the “immortal jellyfis…

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A Shame-Positive Case for Keeping the Heat on Trump

…the Senate can say with a straight face that he did nothing wrong, being a bit judgmental isn’t exactly crawling out on a limb. They can safely beat that drum again and again, especially since he continues to provide them with fresh evidence of their assertions. In fact, I’d encourage Dems to go beyond mere judgment to embracing shame. There’s some social theory behind this: shame, some philosophers argue, can be productive in provoking the uncomf…

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Synod ‘Fight for Soul’ of Catholic Church, Flap On English Translation of Key Report; Anti-Gay Law Advances in Kyrgyzstan; Global LGBT Recap

…ributed greatly to this climate not only by advocating that they speak freely and boldly on the first day but also by arriving early each day, greeting participants when they arrive, and mingling with people at the coffee breaks. It is well known that in past synods a discreet but effective censorship was exercised by Vatican officials, but what was even more serious and damaging to the realization of an open and honest debate was the “self-censor…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…theism and monogamy, depicting a teacher/spiritual leader who lives in a polygamous family structure and who uses drugs. We can not yet make many assumptions about how wide spread or normative either practice is in this world, since the series is asking us to suspend stereotypes we might use to make sense of our own everyday realities. One last theme struck me as interesting in this episode: the ways victims of terrorism are expected to be partici…

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