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Na’vi and Goliath: Palestinian Protesters Dress as Avatar Underdogs

…ntalisms, Spiritual and Practical,” describing the film’s philosophy as “a bit of pantheism, a bit of nature mysticism, and a surprising dash of monotheism, as well. In other words, it’s Kabbalah.” Avatar’s Kabbalism, Michaelson concluded, is “a challenge to question what we think we know about theology, ethics, and contemporary values.” These feel-good reflections, both scientific and philosophical, on the blockbuster film of the season (and, per…

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On the Economy, it’s the “Keystone Kops” vs. the Democrats

…e, let alone vilifying them. It’s one of your more admirable traits, honestly. But I want you to cram that aspect of your personality as far down in a hole as you possibly can. Stuff it down in the cellar, fill the room with concrete, lock the door, throw away the key, and then bury that mother ten feet deep. People want real freedom, and real alternatives to getting screwed on wages, health care, education, retirement and whatever penal-servitude…

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Watching Preachers’ Daughters Right After the Boston Bombings While Teaching a Class on Augustine’s Confessions

…’s gap-toothed grin, to the way his “No More Hurting People” sign was clearly carefully printed yet switched between upper and lower case, to the long eyelashes that his head had yet to really grow into… these are things I’ve seen in my own house, that I associate with one of the people I love most in the world. And, yes, God help me, the fact that Martin Richard is white, lives in the U.S., and speaks English makes it seem like “he could be my ow…

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Planetary Profiling: Dr. Who Part II

…of our species at the expense of other species that represent our food supply? Is it perhaps simply good fortune that humans have so many food options that are both non-sentient and delicious? Perhaps an even more important question is whether there can be sentient beings without the capacity for good as well as evil. That seems to be the presumption quite regularly on the show. Now, to be fair, Doctor Who does at least as well as most sci-fi show…

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The Morning After

…t 7 a.m. I can sleep til 6:30 and still make fajr prayer on time, technically. But that feels really late to me. So my day gets moving before the sun even begins to rise. Last night I agreed to sleep with my grandson, rather than have him in my part of the house and not with his parents in the detached building behind the house. I already said, I don’t ever sleep more than three hours at a stretch. At least when he is with me, I feel like I am wak…

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Magic v. Science: Doctor Who Part III

…ying if the vampires are really aliens, and the magic deep down is supposedly really science. Arthur C. Clarke famously said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” But that statement is an affirmation of faith—faith that science will one day turn magic into reality, and make the impossible possible. And so by exploring the relationship between sci-fi and fantasy, aliens and vampires, time lords and wizards, we are…

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What’s Missing From Popular Discussions of Today’s Christian Nationalism?

…y gatherings I’ve attended over the years, this was among the most ethnically and racially diverse. “I am pleased to be able to report that we have 200 African American pastors and community organizers who are here this week and over 500 Hispanic pastors and community organizers, and we are going to keep going until this movement embraces the full diversity of our country,” said Ralph Reed. By my count, over 30 of the roughly 70 speakers were Blac…

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Beth Moore’s Departure Could Hurt Southern Baptists and Move Them Further Right

…n part because there is so much material within their own tradition.) Rightly or wrongly, the faith is pretty fragmented, in other words. So while Moore’s defection from the SBC is interesting, and significant for those who care, it may not be very meaningful to leaders in other denominations, unless one of their congregants happens to be a fan of hers. If you’re ever tempted to ask why American Christians can’t get one another to toe some line or…

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The Heresies of Christopher Hitchens

…ontag shocked those assembled by denouncing all communism: I repeat; not only is Fascism (and overt military rule) the probable destiny of all Communist societies—especially when their populations are moved to revolt—but Communism is itself a variant, the most successful variant, of Fascism. Fascism with a human face. Hitchens was impressed. He arranged for The Nation to publish her remarks along with invited reactions by others. He comments that…

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God Will Not Make You Straight: An Interview with GCN’s Justin Lee

…f stuff is so harmful, so we eliminate the demand for it. That’s happening bit by bit but there is still a lot of work to do to educate Christians. When I go speak I meet Christians all the time who honestly believe that there are all these people who have just changed their orientation by prayer and therapy and that if anyone who is gay who didn’t want to be it’s a simple matter of going to a group or saying a prayer and God will make you straigh…

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