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Not His House: Archbishop Oversteps, Opposes Repeal of DADT

…certainly entitled to this view, but his views are irrelevant to military policy. Similarly the Vatican’s shifting views on condom use would be irrelevant to a military decision to promote safer sex. Said decisions have military readiness as their guiding principle, rather than the doctrines of a particular religious sect, even if that sect is as large and influential as the Roman Catholic Church.  The Archbishop is so concerned about his religio…

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Obama’s Religion Ambassador: Inexperienced?

…t Obama choose Cook? Dr. Sujay’s resumé, with no discernible international policy experience, her close ties to the Clinton administration, and several ill-defined business ventures, suggest that President Obama cares little about supporting religious freedom around the world. As Mark Silk put it succinctly, “This is the Religion Ambassador?” The Washington Post is carefully tiptoeing around the question of Rev. Cook’s appointment, quoting the fir…

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Will Anti-Gay Churches Have Their Tax Exempt Status Revoked?

…exemption supports marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Federal policy should also establish that no deduction for an otherwise qualifying charitable contribution will be denied or revoked on the ground that the contribution was made to or for the benefit of a group that supports marriage as one man and one woman. Revocation of churches’ tax-exempt status most likely not going to happen, but the claim that the IRS will crack down on ant…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…rever. Even among “dwellers” who recognize the folly of the Republican war policy in Iraq, some will find that symbolism overriding their policy concerns and pushing them to vote for McCain. It won’t always be this way. History is on the side of the “seekers.” Eventually they will dominate public life, including the political process. The “dwellers” sense that they are fighting a rear-guard action, which is why their counterattack is so ferocious….

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A Great Evangelical Divorce? — Speaker Mike Johnson’s Breakup with Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Be Bad News For Trump

…between these two groups, but there are real tensions here—occasionally in policy and always in style. But the rift was out in the open this week around Ukraine. And it wasn’t pretty. When evangelicals argue politics, it isn’t just about policy. It usually comes down to accusations about how good a Christian one’s opponent is—and excommunicating them from evangelicalism. This week showed that the old establishment evangelicals still have some chop…

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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

…not enter the land). Obsession does not usually produce good gods—or good policy, for that matter. For many centuries, perhaps beginning with Augustine’s post-triumphalist Christianity, Christendom was obsessed with the Jews (or, “The Jewish Question”). That obsession led them, among other things, to construct the Jew as Christ-killer, anti-Christ and a pariah people. America (along with much of the Christian West) has thankfully righted that wro…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…lose its accreditation, but that it will be forced to not only enforce the policy currently in place, but to adopt policies and practices that will better protect its LGBTQ students. Green believes that “the policy banning romanticized same-sex relationships could be considered a form of harassment,” and she claims to have documentation placing APU administrators on the record agreeing that the ban does indeed constitute harassment on the basis of…

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Long Before Lying to Congress, Barr’s Views on Church and State Should Have Disqualified Him

…wrong with asking a nominee if he’ll be able to refrain from basing state policy on his personal religious beliefs and/or if he will be able to represent all strands of believers and non-believers equally and respect pluralism as the Constitution commands. In fact, that type of questioning is necessary if a nominee has a past record of statements indicating that he believes that government should elevate one faith over others or anchor public pol…

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Feared Taliban Leader Killed, But Military Strategy is Not the Answer in Afghanistan

…d upon the following five principles as the bases for formulating a new US policy: 1. Support self-determination. The Obama administration needs to make clear that the people of the region shall decide their own future, and the United States or any outside power can only play a modest role in helping that process. It cannot control it. Many people in the region see the US presence in South Asia as a continuation of British colonial influence. The…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…ups are misinterpreting scripture and religious traditions when they issue policy statements that urge compassion and welcome for immigrants, or support comprehensive immigration reform (mischaracterized as advocacy for “open borders”), and that faithful parishioners should not be misled. Edwards argued that religious leaders are, in effect, railroading their flocks, saying that the “self-described ‘compassion’ among religious elites differs from…

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