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Romney: “A Life Balanced Between Fear and Greed”?

…ies led Washington Post columnist James Downie to ask Monday what Romney’s business-world strategy would mean for the American economy. Who are the investors for whom Romney would seek to maximize profit?  Downie writes: “In this post-Citizens United world, the voters of America are not Bain’s investors, but the workers at companies Romney’s Bain took over. The wealthy donors who are financing Romney’s campaign are the investors.”  As both the Oba…

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…y’s development policies under Bloomberg, arguing that its support for big business and gentrification is ruining New York’s real treasures, its neighborhoods. These policies are not inevitable good sense, Talen insists, but intrusions of corporate power. People’s willingness to accept the status quo is a failure of imagination that he hopes to remedy. For more than a decade, the Reverend Billy act has commandeered religious tropes to subvert the…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…lanet. But despite the fact that news about Moon’s various religious/media/business endeavors rarely appears on the radar screens of the nation’s media (both mainstream and alternative), Moon continues to move ahead on a number of fronts. His Washington Times continues to be the daily house-organ/must-read for conservatives; he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting right-wing organizations and causes; he controls the US sushi indust…

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How to Choose a Tour Company for Your Hajj

…is the result of one of those eeny-meeny-miny-mo Internet searches. It’s a business, after all, this: getting people to and from hajj. A simple Google search produces lots of choices. But then, how does one decide? Let’s start at the beginning. I first made my intentions to make the hajj while I was still in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world. My friends were incredulous. They have to put in a request at least two years in ad…

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Jesus Was Single

…y through the courts, a new issue will have emerged: that the state has no business in the marriage business, period. Once upon a time, some states did indeed have a vested interest in legitimating and normalizing marriage. This social institution created lines of legitimacy, lines that were crucial for establishing lines of inheritance and what have you. But we have other ways of handling these matters now. Religious communities can decide freely…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…pitting poor whites against black freedmen to divide the Southern working class in order to avoid the development of a unified, robust labor movement in the South after the Civil War. Today, the powers that be continue to utilize a divide-and-conquer strategy to keep the poor divided along color lines and other lines of division. The original Poor People’s Campaign was King’s solution for building the unity of the poor as a class as a prerequisit…

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Marianne Williamson and Me

…alifornia’s 33rd District Congressional seat. Williamson’s visit to my USC class on American spirituality was a boon for me, but it also served her purposes. District 33 cuts through some of the state’s wealthiest communities including Malibu, Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes, and Williamson would be speaking here to potential voters if not volunteers. Meanwhile, I’d have a 21st century incarnation of the 19th century New Thought and Theosophy teach…

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Religion, Morality, and the Death of the American Soap Opera

…ves.” Cut to a montage of four decades’ worth of flashbacks. Serious Moral Business Within this context of attention to the past, programs devote intense energy to the day-to-day business of intense moral dilemmas, egregious moral violations, and agonizing moral questions. Personal morality, rather than social justice, has always been the domain of the soap. Those who watch soap operas regularly will not hesitate to tell you that the shows have in…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…n affect people of color who ascend to positions of power and influence in business, in the media, in religion, and in the academy. Whiteness has shown itself to be quite capable of colonizing the minds and spirits of nonwhite folks. White power’s future depends on this capacity almost as much as it depends on its perpetuation in the minds of people who describe themselves as white and who understand that they will soon recede to minority status w…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…nd’s public schools, shared stories of being taught about the Bible in the classroom. But they also studied the Koran and the Torah. They learned about Hinduism and Buddhism. All students must take a comparative religions class. The notion that this isn’t the case in the United States is surprising to the British. Unlike in the United States, where evangelicals preach that unless you are washed in the blood of Christ you will perish in hell, the B…

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