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Hatfield, Early Republican Critic of Religious Right,
Dead at 89

…es that also put him at odds with Democrats, notably his opposition to the Vietnam war. At the end of the piece, citing an interview Hatfield did with Sojourners magazine in 1996, the piece notes he found the religious right an “embarrassment” to his party, as well as his concern about its influence on Christianity, rather than politics. In fact, Hatfield was prescient several decades earlier about the impact of the religious right. In the forewar…

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What’s Eating Mitt Romney?

…mney’s Mormonism that occupied a great deal of attention. But while no one today would claim that evangelical Christian voters have grown any more comfortable with his religion (or his past as a social moderate), in these past few weeks, as Perry and Bachmann have stumbled, attention has turned from the problem of evangelical-Mormon antipathy to the problem of candidate personality and how that will impact Romney’s ability, as Romano puts it, to “…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…University. I became engaged in the struggle for civil rights and the anti-Vietnam movement. Suddenly at the age of 30, I was elected president of Dakota Wesleyan University and found myself engaged in academic administration. A decade later, at the age of 40, I became president of the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. Since the emergence of HIV and AIDS thirty years ago, I have felt compelled to be involved in addressing the pandemic….

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New Vatican Document Good News for Poor, Bad News for Tea Party

…e the blood sweat and tears of the poor are on our clothes made in slave shops, and on our iPhones where thousands of Chinese in Shenzhen assemble them working eleven hour days for 83 cents an hour under brutal conditions. The wages are even lower in Vietnam, Cambodia and elsewhere. This Vatican document is a gem of moral reasoning. It is hard-nosed justice theory applied to real life. A final suggestion: along with the moratorium on sex talk, the…

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The Revolujah! Will Be Performed: Reverend Billy’s Reality Joke

…erformance of it, is, I would argue, the same thing politicians need to do today: they need to tell the same stories we’ve heard before, in a way that acknowledges that we’ve heard it before while still making us believe it is, this time, true. How much, in the process of planning these performances, do you think about political efficacy, as opposed to simply putting on a good show? How much do the two converge or diverge? BT: We tried to go from…

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Mitt Romney’s Honesty Problem

…television interviewer why he’d changed his position on US involvement in Vietnam, George Romney calmly and confidently explained that he realized he’d been “brainwashed” on the war by American generals and that a subsequent study of regional history led him to believe that US intervention was not necessary. “I did change my mind,” George Romney said. That was some straight shooting, and George Romney paid for it. Mitt Romney prefers a different…

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Republican Candidates Face Mythical Gays

…consternation. First, it was Mitt Romney who chose a stereotypical-looking Vietnam veteran to cozy up to at a diner in New Hampshire. Surprise! The vet was a gay man who quizzed Romney on why his spouse should be different from any other when it comes to collecting his military pension. Romney’s collegial tone changed the moment he realized he had encountered “teh gay” and suddenly realized he was late for some other appointment. Rick Perry was ne…

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Errol Morris’ Tabloid Sensationalizes Mormonism and ‘Cult’ Deprogramming

After confronting the Vietnam War and the torture images of Abu Ghraib in his most recent films, Oscar-winning documentary maker Errol Morris turns to a 1977 scandal involving North Carolina beauty queen Joyce McKinney in his new documentary Tabloid—an episode deeply intertwined with, among other things, Mormonism and cult deprogramming. Morris’ corpus has consistently focused on self-deception and the difficulties in reconstructing past events,…

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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…end of his life King’s turn toward eradicating poverty and critiquing the Vietnam war were the things that put him at odds not just with the United States government, but with the black community at large. In a speech to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1967, King commented on the economy and how the poor were viewed: Now we realize that dislocations in the market operations of our economy and the prevalence of discrimination thrus…

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Ross Douthat’s Rosy Old-Time Religion

…e churches on increasing political polarization (beginning with the war in Vietnam, not the Civil Rights Movement), the passions let loose by the sexual revolution, the development of a “global perspective” which brought the non-Western religions to the attention of Americans (oddly, he does not mention the changes in American culture brought on by the immigration act of 1965), the growing wealth of Americans, and the waning of the East Coast WASP…

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