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“Symbolic” Personhood Bill Could Kill

…ink a life-or-death question like that is unimportant, but using the legal code as a vehicle for a slogan is totally important and a good use of their time. 3. I would like them to say whether they think that families who’ve used assisted reproduction—like in vitro fertilization—should not have the children they have. And if that’s not what they think, then how can they explain why they’re supporting this legislation? 4. I would like them to say t…

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UPDATED: Oklahoma Personhood Bill Not Dead…

…d-down and unflinching personhood bill yet: the bill would amend the legal code to treat fetuses as persons at all stages of biological development. So what happened? Well, there was opposition, of course. People got nervous about the things that generally make a lot of people nervous about giving legal rights to fertilized eggs. What about in vitro fertilization? What about ectopic pregnancies? What about the liability of medical providers? The b…

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Will Religion Solve the Obesity Crisis?

…ge your day-to-day relationship with tempting foods. Chocolate cake has to code-switch, from “a thing I want and must resist” to “a thing I don’t want right now,” and that happens in the ACC. As Roundling’s study shows, religious thoughts seem to help with short-term code switching because they offer a concrete set of alternative values. Similarly, when Warren says that caring for his body is a “stewardship issue,” he might be actively molding his…

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Do Not Attack the Writer

…dismay turned to laughter when I saw immediately below Winters’ screed the code of conduct for comments on National Catholic Reporter. His post is a primer on violating NCR’s own rules for respectful conversation. Maybe someone at NCR can give him a much-needed tutorial. NCR Comment code: Be respectful. Do not attack the writer. Take on the idea, not the messenger. Use appropriate language. Avoid vulgarities and slurs. Keep to the point. Deliberat…

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Why We Can’t Afford to “Wait And See” How Trump Dismantles LGBT Rights

…costs for LGBT people are a result of some abnormal activity. (Yes, that’s code for anal sex. Or gender-affirming surgeries. Or marrying the person you love most in the world, if that person happens to have the same gender marker as you.) Given that it took the president-elect more than three weeks—and upwards of 700 documented hate-crime incidents—to “denounce and reject” the hatred his scorched-earth campaign emboldened, I have zero confidence t…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…become legal in a de facto sense. But what kind of threat do militias pose today? In many ways, the threat is the same as it was in the early 1990s when the contemporary militia movement first burst onto the scene. Then, as now, militia-inspired county resolutions threatened federal and state governments by flouting their laws. The county stamp of approval also gave militias license to harass federal agents and ordinary citizens who disagreed with…

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Christian Media Battle Over Controversial Figure

…nd exaggerations; one of his sources, Hokuto Ide, a reporter for Christian Today—a Jang-affiliated publication in Japan not to be confused with Christianity Today—describes CT’s articles as “predatory efforts by those with commercial interests,” and suggests they’re motivated by “trying to break Olivet’s deal to purchase [the] Glorieta [Conference Center].” I asked Jonathan Park via email why he thought Christianity Today put so much time and effo…

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MLK Monument That Never Was, is a Reminder of the King Too Often Ignored

…justified prophetic fury, could write in 1968 that American imperialism in Vietnam constituted “an unjust, evil, and futile war,” is to not fully respect the enormity of King’s vision. Conservatives, like Jesse Helms and the since-sainted John McCain, who despicably opposed the institution of a Martin Luther King Day holiday when it was first proposed in 1979, did so in part precisely because of the minister’s prophetic, radical urgency. Ironicall…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…against the evils of the time, including racism in the United States, the Vietnam War, apartheid, and the brutal military regimes in South America. Graham was also aware that the future of the Christian faith was no longer in America. In the 1970s, the gravity center of Christianity began shifting from the Northern Hemisphere to the South with the explosion of Pentecostalism in Latin America and Africa. Read Anthea Butler’s BILLY GRAHAM AND THE G…

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Every Republican Candidate Should Have to Address Gay Rights Face-to-Face

…e nation, from Alaska and Hawaii to Maine. But after watching the video of Vietnam veteran Bob Garon (who is gay and married) having a direct conversation with Romney about gay rights in a New Hampshire diner, I want to see every single Republican candidate sit down with Garon and answer his question face-to-face: “You do not feel that everyone is entitled to their Constitutional rights?” Because then every candidate, from hardcore social conserva…

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