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Violent, Genocidal Anti-Palestinian Rhetoric Moving to US?

…e weeks of Israel’s assault, and the fact that the vast majority of those killed have been Palestinian civilians—including three hundred children—should fill any decent human being with revulsion, regardless of which side they support. But Israeli leaders have begun to speak openly of their disdain for the lives of Palestinian civilians, damning them to death along with the militants in their midst. Anti-Arab racist rhetoric is common in Israeli p…

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Behind the Inclusive-Sounding Ads of this $100 Million PR-Blitz-for-Jesus it’s the Same Old Conservative Christian Fantasy

…men, three men of color, and one white woman. Don’t think that disconnect will go unnoticed by zoomers, who have excellent Google skills and don’t tend to take ideological messaging at face value. Above all, the ads, which direct viewers to, radiate an aura of phoniness, holding up a seemingly pro-social-justice and inclusive vision of Jesus, who frankly comes across as “the Black friend” of the people behind the campaign. Tellingly,…

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Lifestyles of the Rich and Pious

…ives alone in a charming three-story brick Victorian home valued at $3.84 million. • Baltimore Archbishop William Lori, head of the bishop’s Committee on Religious Liberty—the epicenter of the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage and the contraception mandate—and the man supposedly behind the investigation of the LCWR, lives in a 11,5000-square foot historic mansion that dates back to the first Catholic bishop of the United States. • And last…

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New Report on (White) Christian Nationalism and the J6 Insurrection Shows Just ‘How Dire the Threat is’

…istians brought together by the BJC to confront Christian nationalism as “willing to be self-critical” and “willing to learn more about how Christian nationalism has impacted their congregations, their communities.” Asked whether she’s concerned that the American public may be losing interest in the threat of Christian nationalism and its connection with the January 6 insurrection, Tyler says she was encouraged by the degree of interest in the Feb…

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Are School Districts Getting the Message on Government-Sponsored Prayer?

…stly First Amendment battle. Could it be that in the wake of the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover trial, in which the Dover school district had to pay $1 million in legal fees for trying to force intelligent design into science class in violation of the Constitution, other school districts around the country could be finally paying heed? True, it’s not exactly a victory for reason and sober respect for religious freedom, but, hey, it means that maybe, jus…

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Holy Father, You’re Not Helping: The Problem with the Pope’s Plan to Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

…hief among them contention over the pope’s claim to universal authority. A number of violent incidents over two hundred years, from both sides of Christianity’s two halves, helped solidify the separation. These included the Byzantine massacre of Catholics living in Constantinople in 1182, the sacking of Thessaloniki by Catholics in 1185, and their pillage of Constantinople in 1204. Finally, the establishment of Rome-allied episcopacies in traditio…

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Death With Dignity: Combatting Religious Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

…in states where voter-driven referendums aren’t possible because many politicians would likely hesitate before publicly supporting such a controversial proposal, he said. Coombs Lee believes the practice will spread as people across the country grow more comfortable with the idea. “We will see congregations of all faiths that are supportive of parishioners who want this choice,” she said….

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Where Polls and Surveys Fall Short: A Conversation with Robert Wuthnow on “Inventing American Religion”

…ly is going on?” And there appear to be several conclusions. One is that a number of the people who are categorized as Nones still claim to believe in God. Many of them occasionally attend religious services; hardly any of them identify clearly as atheist. So they may be, for some reason, identifying themselves as non-religious even though they still believe. We also know from some of the surveys that they identify themselves as “spiritual but not…

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Hajj Journal: Door Number 89: The Door with No Name

…d inside the mosque one day, I came across Bab raqm tis’wa thamanin, “door number 89,” literally. The door with no name. Facing the mosque at door number one, bab maalik ’abd-al-’Aziz, this door is off to the left. Looking at the mosque floor plan, this is where the building structure of the mosque is deepest. This is “the women’s section.” I noticed as I was walking through the first floor toward door number one, the kings’ door, on my way out af…

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Gay Marriage Opponents Running on Empty

…. At the first, about a dozen volunteers spent the night making almost 300 phone calls and collecting pledges of volunteer support and contributions from 50 new supporters. Add that to the five other locations holding similar phone banks or collecting post cards of support, and I’m sure we easily got our 300 today. In addition, Equality Maryland hosted an interfaith meeting to mobilize supportive faith leaders. It was so great to see such a wonder…

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