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Peter Berger, Sociology’s Defender of God (1929-2017)

…lay behind the fractured constructions of reality that provide us with the day-to-day world around us. The book that makes the best connection between religion and the social construction of reality is likely The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Social Theory of Religion. His regard for religion as a cultural resource for thinking of ultimate matters led him to become a well-known defender of religion. His prominence as a champion for God rose during…

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God Wants You to Work Harder, and to Stop Complaining

…ader,” written by Irish poet and priest John O’Donohue. Likewise, once the day’s scheduled sessions and events were complete, participants would again meet to hear final thoughts from one of the conference organizers, followed by another closing inspiration. Such practices bestowed a structure on the conference, and transported the proceedings outside standard space and time and into the realm of the sacred, toward holy significance. The participa…

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‘No Room’ for Gays in Country that Worships God [Kenya] | Churches Fight to Keep Sexuality Out of Sex Ed [S. Korea] | Global LGBT Recap

…igion class at my Catholic boarding school — my least favorite part of the day. I felt my palms sweat as I nervously glanced around the classroom. A monk stood at the blackboard, equating homosexuality with bestiality and necrophilia. His words, sharp as knives to me, were blunt instruments to the surrounding faces, used merely to convey the severity of the aforementioned “sins.” Shame washed over me. As I pretended to be fascinated by the chips i…

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Muslim Women “Warriors”

…er the Dalai Lama has been considering reviving the tradition, but as of today, no final decision has been made. Muslim women—and feminists—are following a different and complicated path. This was brought home last month when I participated in a five day international conference in Malaysia which brought together 250 women from 47 countries, many of them predominantly Muslim with strong links between religion and state. The conference launched the

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What We Cannot Do is Be Revolutionaries Except When We’re Mothering

…ot live our politics at the ballot box or at the protest. On this Mother’s Day, in honor of the launch of the Poor People’s Campaign’s 40 Days of Moral Action, we are re-committing ourselves to revolutionary mothering. We believe that this ethic of love and justice has the capacity to change the world for Sophia and for future generations—including the children she herself may one day mother too. *Full disclosure: The organizations we work for are…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…nto the two craters left by the towers is a poignant reminder of both that day’s destruction and the endless tears that have flowed since that day. Many bought pictures of loved ones, and the pain in their faces was a reminder that is it never really over for them. For those of us who remember the homemade memorials and pictures of those who were lost in the towers, the museum and memorial grounds are a moving remembrance. So it was important then…

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Mormon Leader Affirms Doctrine on Marriage; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…d. Some fled for Turkey or went to hide in other regions of Azerbaijan. Eurasianet also reported on the “rising” persecution of LGBT people: Dozens of similar incidents have occurred in Azerbaijan since September 15, with gay and transgender people rounded up on the streets, in homes, and in bars across the city. Advocacy groups say at least 100 people have been arrested in the wave of raids. was able to obtain information about at…

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The Sad Saga of a Compromised Rabbi

…y use of the term “fascist.” In a previous personal message sent to me the day before he read my accusation, he acknowledged our differences and asked if I wanted to have a conversation. I replied I would be happy to and briefly made my perspective on things quite clear. I then noted that others had also used that word to describe his position and sent him one such blog. I asked for his email so we could correspond at greater length. I figured tha…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…e wine; there would be no Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Martin Luther King Day, or Columbus Day (of course)! I posted this bit of nonsense to my Twitter account, and here are some selected excellent responses: @sarahposner Wow. I don’t get offended easily, but that’s pretty offensive. — Ellen Cooper-Davis (@Rev_Mother) December 23, 2011 @sarahposner No wine? Did it suddenly cease to be made after Homer praised it thousands of years before? — Jared…

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Sing the Glory of the Smoke: The Spiritual History of Jazz

…ood form email and I compiled a list of addresses. The subject line was “Research Project: Jazz and Religion.” And I got very, very few responses. And I was perplexed. I was miffed. I didn’t know how to go forward. So one night it struck me that maybe the R-word was getting me into trouble, given the contemporary atmosphere with all the conversations about being “Spiritual But Not Religious.” So I thought, let’s do this, let’s go for a Hail Mary p…

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