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The Internet Is Not Killing Religion, Religion is Killing Religion

…onder as a sweet piper’s tune sings into the air. It allows us, following Talal Asad’s critique of William Cantwell Smith’s conception of “faith,” to consider what elements of human experience are deliberately and incidentally left out of whatever it is we might understand as “religion” in its institutionalized forms, and why. Who is served by the various exclusions and inclusions of institutional religion? To what ends? And who is harmed? What we…

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Medieval Multitasking: Did We Ever Focus?

…g. As I read both Carr and Shirky over the past couple weeks—who both seek parallels between the rise of the internet and digital social media and the invention of the printing press in the 16th century—I couldn’t help thinking about medieval manuscripts. Since the early 1990s, both medievalists and electronic media theorists have pointed to the hypertexted quality of medieval illuminated manuscripts in making complementary claims: medievalists to…

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Sharing Many of the Same Flaws as its Subject ‘The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill’ Podcast Puts Blame Anywhere But Where It Belongs

…de is much bigger than the march for Jesus…I am myself a devoted heterosexual male lesbian who has been in a monogamous marriage with my high school sweetheart since I was 21 and personally know the pain of being a marginalized sexual minority as a male lesbian. And now the rant. For me, the concern started when McLaren the February 7, 2005 issue of Time Magazine said, “Asked at a conference last spring what he thought about gay marriage, Brian Mc…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…efore led the nation into the Gulf Wars that set the stage for today’s global militarization and post-Cold War patriotism, President Bush pressed us to “always remember the importance of preparedness and the high cost of liberty.” That cost is reckoned daily by veterans and their loved ones, though it remains unknown to the vast majority of the nation’s citizens, who’ve never laid flowers at a veterans cemetery or followed troop deployment numbers…

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As Transition Looms, Jewish Studies is Mired in Controversy

…th in relation to longstanding gender inequities in Jewish Studies, and in parallel with a push to take the problem of sexual harassment more seriously within American Jewish communities. The Cohen Affair, after all, concerns the sexual harassment of women by a senior male scholar—and the question of how both Jewish academic and religious communities should best respond. In addition, Cohen’s own intellectual project is perhaps the most prominent e…

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The Rabbis are Right to
Be Afraid

…-Orthodox right? This is an insular community that has built real and virtual walls to shield itself from secular influences. Aren’t they correct to worry that if their adherents surf the Internet, the community will suffer? I think they are. One reason I write for publications like this one is to make a difference, to share information that people may not ordinarily hear about, and offer some perspective on issues like this one. (Okay, maybe this…

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Will Internet Kill Mormonism Too? Or Just Missionaries?

…RD pieces “5 Ways the Internet Has Been Trying to Kill Religion” and “The Internet Is Not Killing Religion, Religion is Killing Religion,” see this long essay from the Huffington Post entitled “The Hook of Mormon” about online LDS proselytizing efforts. The results seem pretty glowing: Whereas traditional Mormon missionaries convert, on average, six people during their 18- to 24-month service, the online apostles in Provo have averaged around 30…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…-outsider message control (and double-speak) has served as a form of cultural survival since the 19th century US crusade against polygamy, as the anthropologist Daymon Smith has observed. During the mid 20th century, Mormon leaders initiated an administrative process called “correlation” to try to systematize and simplify Church doctrine in the service of worldwide proselytizing and coordination. Top-down correlation may have met its match in the…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…were also involved, though primarily on line, in the animated chats of the online social networks and as readers of the online ISIS literature. This online network constituted a separate movement. In the Twitter chats they often would call themselves baqiyah, a term that means something that survives or endures, and in this case refers to the enduring online ISIS community. In one of a series of tweets from a teenager in Canada, he said that his p…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…e first installment of a projected series of MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy) “games” based on the Bible.  MMORTS games take place in a world that continues to exist and evolve even while any given player isn’t playing. According to the press release, there is an RPG (role-playing game) component too; players can expect to play as Abraham, and “as the leader of their tribe” they will construct villages and manage resources—…

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