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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…osh is a professional journalist with a commitment to neutral reportage, while Ali is a professional polemicist, an unabashed critic of both the religion she left (Islam) and the community it projects (Arab-African-Asian Muslim nations). Ghosh and Hirsi Ali focus on the thin line between hatred and defamation, but while Ghosh finds blame on both sides, Hirsi Ali sees fault only with the Muslim protesters. She begins and ends with Rushdie, the vict…

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Aliens Are Fattening Us Up For the Rapture

…. Lindsey’s short answer to CNN’s question is that yes, indeed, UFOs are real and fully understandable, almost predictable, in terms of Lindsay’s dispensationalist end-times scenarios. They are literal demons and are further evidence for a plot that is “subtly advancing us toward the predicted one-world government.” Perhaps more diligent channel-surfers than I can shed more light on this subject and explain that I am slow in noticing this evangeli…

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Pope Tweeted into Retirement

…popular use. The Internet Explorer browser was launched in 1995, and the Palm Pilot first appeared in 1996. When John Paul first took office, SMS (texting) and Google were still several years in the future. Use of the Internet in the early nineties for most people consisted largely of acquiring plane tickets, reading relatively static documents, and emailing acquaintances.  By 2004, the year before John Paul died, search engines had become sophis…

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‘Slender Man’ Murder Attempt Wasn’t Media or Madness

…y ill and is seeking a mental evaluation. However, vague diagnoses of “mental illness” are more often tautologies than an explanation of tragic events: i.e. “She exhibited deviant behavior because she was mentally ill and we know she was mentally ill because she exhibited deviant behavior.” This sort of lazy analysis stigmatizes those being treated for mental health and often obscures more tangible factors. Another possibility is that the girls’ c…

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A Meeting of Minds… and Computers: What Are the Costs of Using Technology to Merge Humans with Machines?

…neural activity. Brain-controlled prosthetics are being developed to allow paralyzed patients to move artificial fingers, legs, and even cursors on a computer screen. Currently this requires complicated surgery. However, Miguel Nicolelis, a pioneer in brain-machine interfaces, believes that by around 2030 noninvasive methods could enable people to communicate regularly with their computers using thought. Scientists have already programmed brain sc…

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For Some of Us, the Biggest Religious Event of 2016 Was the Gilmore Girls Revival

…lly struck by the role of the external and the social in so many of the seemingly solitary moments described. The dichotomy between individual and communal experience didn’t exist even before the Internet, and maybe that’s okay. I still watched the Gilmore Girls revival alone in my room on my laptop, but I took comfort in knowing that if Rory wound up with the wrong guy and I needed somebody to complain to, I had thousands of fans at my fingertips…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…ty or nation, the Russian Orthodox Church helps project Russia as the natural ally of all those who pine for a more secure, illiberal world free from the tradition-crushing rush of globalization, multiculturalism and women’s and gay rights… Moscow’s quest to gain control of churches and graves dating from czarist times and squeeze out believers who look to the Constantinople patriarch is part of a broader push by the Kremlin to assert itself as bo…

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Reexamining the Shaky Theology That Gives Humans ‘Dominion’ Over All Creation

…mals blessed and commanded to thrive independent of humans; humans and animals alike are told by God to eat plants, not other animals. This is a strictly vegetarian vision of world ecology. No animals were harmed in the making of this creation story. Which brings us to the dominion verse itself, which God addresses exclusively to the newly formed humans. Here it is in the familiar King James Version translation: “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…ed by the culture of intensive care. Now, just as in the Victorian era, familial presence with the dying is a central feature of our Good Death narratives. But many who die of COVID-19 will die in isolation in a hospital ICU. Families will be unable to attend the bedside of their dying loved one. Hospitals will be largely closed to visitors due to risk of contagion. Many family members will be in quarantine themselves because of their exposure to…

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“Dark” Skin No Longer a Curse in Online Book of Mormon

…rses imposed on Cain or Ham. The Book of Mormon, however, also showed that all civilizations—Nephites as well as Lamanites—were vulnerable to pride, apostasy, and collapse and capable of spiritual rededication and regeneration, regardless of skin color. The LDS Church never withheld priesthood from members of indigenous American descent; in fact, outreach programs were specifically designed to recruit and support American Indian and Latino Mormons…

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