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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…get a bill far larger than you expected. (In that case, wars are like cell phones.) We have a right to know just how much can be spent on uncertain military objectives, and it would be nice to know whether that much money could be spent, without consulting Congress, on the betterment of the condition of the American people. The roads around my apartment need repair. Can we get NATO to send some army engineers in? New York City also desperately nee…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…regime had threatened his wife. Chen then appealed directly to Congress by phone during a hearing saying that he and his family are not safe in China. On Friday, the Chinese government announced that Chen could apply to study abroad. The Pro-Life Spin Cycle Anti-abortion news and opinion websites have taken to calling Chen a “pro-life dissident,” which is fundamentally misleading. And though he’s been described as an opponent of the One Child poli…

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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…or the most part, Jeffrey is a dull git, but in the arms of the mysterious Eastern woman, he can be, just for a moment, James Bond. The Eastern, exotic woman has no real role in the narrative; she’s simply there to confer a frisson of libido, brutality, and moral ambiguity. [Spoilers ahead… –the Eds] The book’s final twist also indulges the pleasures of Orientalist pulp. After Artis is frozen, Jeffrey and Ross return to New York, where Jeffrey bec…

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Mexico moves toward national marriage equality; Greek govt announces civil partnership legislation; Pope warns against ‘secularism and relativism’; Global LGBT recap

…sted last Valentine’s Day—as well as Blued, the Beijing LGBT Center, PFLAG China, China Luxury Advisors, Bliss, a Chinese bedding brand, the L.A. LGBT Center and the City of West Hollywood. Ten couples were originally selected but visa issues held back three of them. Putin: God made me perfect Vladimir Putin declared in an interview with an Italian newspaper that he has never made a mistake because God built him to be perfect. The anti-gay politic…

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Possible Heir to Dalai Lama Cleared of Corruption Charges

…Tibetan Buddhism. Devotees and pilgrims from all over the world, including China, had come there. I saw visitors from the Mainland China offering donations in Chinese currency, during a prayer session led by the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The donations came in small notes from the country of their origin. Helpers and translators were accepting and writing down each transaction in great detail, the names of the people, for whom they were pra…

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Holy Father, You’re Not Helping: The Problem with the Pope’s Plan to Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

…it’s only been an official part of Catholic teaching since 1854. While the Eastern churches agree with Catholics that Mary was free from personal sin, the fact that the Eastern church has never accepted Augustine’s teaching on Original Sin means that the doctrine is superfluous for Eastern Christian theology. The Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is also one of the most hotly contested theological issues in ecumenical dialogue between East and…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…self-interrogation boiled, my hand extended to the right. I reached for my phone, but I found nothing. At first I laughed at my instinct, my muscle memory. The phone, with its glowing screen, gave me solace and control. But I was tied to my cushion for another hour, and in this ashram for another day, so email would have to wait. I panicked. My heart raced. Would my editor be asking for me? Would a reply from that politician’s secretary sit unansw…

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AFA: Native Americans Lost their Land for Not Being Christians

…ht of conquest.” Fischer went on to blame poverty and alcoholism on Indian reservations on Native Americans themselves, because they “continue to cling to the darkness of indigenous superstition” and refuse to come into “the light of Christianity” and assimilate “into Christian culture.” How Christianity would have helped Native Americans adapt to confinement on reservations is anybody’s guess. Fischer was apparently propelled into his diatribe by…

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Should Christians Confess to Plants? A Cranky Meditation

…t to participate. If liturgy asks people to pray or sing things that raise reservations, they find themselves in a quandary. It feels wrong to participate, and it feels equally problematic to refrain. Although I very much appreciate innovative worship, I have experienced this situation too many times. To be sure, I feel uncomfortable with worship every week. I’m asked to affirm things I desire to believe when the truth is that I carry doubts and r…

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Protests Force Torch Detour in San Francisco

…terners,” said Carrie Zheng, a college student in her first year away from China. “The first thing is, Tibet is, was and always will be a part of China. We don’t have restrictions on religion in Tibet. We will never, ever deny their religion.” For Tibetan Buddhist Tseten Dorjee, who flew from Oregon to protest, the debate is nuanced. “A lot of [Chinese] have sympathy with what’s happening in Tibet,” she said, even if they are afraid to say so. “Th…

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