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Flight Reservations 1800-299-7264 China Eastern Airlines Phone Number

Christian Inmate Suing Indiana to Recognize Religion

…ristian inmates to be suing a corrections department and possibly the only Eastern Orthodox inmate to claim his religious rights are being violated. The Eastern Orthodox account for about 0.6 percent of the American population, according to Pew, roughly equivalent to Jehovah’s Witnesses. According to the pan-Orthodox parish directory, there are 47 Orthodox churches in Indiana, divided by history and ethnic heritage into 10 distinct churches, yet t…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…independence for Tibet and his spiritual leader’s call for autonomy within China. Many young Tibetans break from the Dalai Lama over his effort to compromise with China. Strategically, it’s better to ask for it all, Raha says, but as a Buddhist convert about to make his first 10-day meditation retreat, he also sees independence as “the best way to preserve the true culture.” The extreme stance, however, does not call for extreme actions, Raha says…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…y LGBTQ faith-based organization in the region. It works primarily in Anglophone countries but has plans to expand further in Africa, with additional focus on Francophone regions. There is no group or organization in the region that addresses the needs of LGBTQ and MSM Muslims. published an interview this week with a lesbian couple whose marriage in December generated media coverage that led to both positive and negative responses,…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…ed Irish Central: “This is not your grandfather’s Ireland any more folks.” China: Propaganda officials tell media to play down Taiwan marriage ruling According to Radio Free Asia, “China’s state propaganda machine has warned the country’s media not to ‘make a big deal’ of” Taiwan’s marriage equality ruling. The government of Hong Kong has appealed a ruling by the city’s high court that the city must provide spousal benefits to civil servants who m…

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Denzel’s Profane Preaching: A Religious Movie for the Rest of Us

…d gathering—on his way to a lurching belly-flop in an adjoining field. But Flight, like most of the other religiously-themed scripts to which Washington agrees to lend his star power, is no Kirk Cameron morality play. As in The Book of Eli, in which Washington played a post-apocalyptic loner who creates a trail of gore during a violent spiritual pursuit of the lone remaining copy of the Bible, the celluloid preaching in Flight is rated R. In addit…

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The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Humans

…ill go to Mina, etc. There is still no address for the hotels, but a local phone number. There is also information about processing customs at Jeddah, meeting the tour guide, and information that says “the group” will proceed to Makkah—which means the first will have to wait for the last person, which is the beginning of feeling like you are a group. They even include suggestions to “get to know” your fellow travelers. I still had no idea what wer…

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Reactions to Biden’s Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism’s Anti-Asian Side

…ing COVID-19 the ‘China Virus.’” Searching Twitter for the phrase “Godless China” or “Godless Communist China” yields an ever-updating string of unironically bigoted results. Indeed, it was precisely because of such virulent religiosity, which exploits my faith to launder attacks on my ethnicity, that I began writing an open letter on anti-Asian racism and Christian nationalism in early December. The letter has now amassed over 300 signatures from…

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Along Came a Spider: What the Pope Doesn’t See

…y, as many of the dioceses in the United States become uninsurable and the number of Catholic churches dwindles. As membership shrinks, the number of ordinations decreases, and the coffers dry up, perhaps the Vatican and its leadership will be forced to look at its decrepit, hierarchical structure, and fix it. I doubt it, however. Like the spider who crawled across Pope Benedict’s robes this weekend in Prague, everyone except the Pope can see the…

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What Does a Moral Economy Look Like for the 99 Percent?

…y left the airport and began marching a mile to the headquarters of Alaska Airlines. I think the photo does a great job of embodying the energy of the budding movement—clergy and workers from a diversity of backgrounds and faiths. To me, the picture reinforces a key argument of the book: this is a moral fight. For nine months leading up to the rally, organizers had been meeting people at the airport and in the community, coaxing them to take on an…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ester NY, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11. Mr. Roger said he hoped the pope would say prayers for the place, for the people, and for his daughter Jean. Praying at a unlighted candle next to the prie-dieu Pope Benedict XVI used on his visit, the Pope offered those prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilg…

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