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O’Donnell Blows Church-State Separation Dog Whistle

…as the idiot for thinking that the language of the First Amendment automatically grants “separation of church and state.” The religious right has long propagandized that such a separation was never intended by the framers of the Constitution and has only been affirmed by “activist judges” throughout the centuries. Bryan Fischer at the American Family Association has even equated the separation of church and state as being “straight from the mind o…

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Rewriting the History of Catholic Schools in America

…ous freedom” in the public schools was a strategy; the archbishop wanted a separate Catholic school system all along, and his fight against the King James Bible was part of an unsuccessful attempt to get the city to fund such a system. Catholic participation in a new “secular” school system was never part of Hughes’s plan, and on this, he was probably correct. As scholar of American religion Tracy Fessenden has demonstrated, even after the King Ja…

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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…pecific guides. The presence of links, exclusively to conservative evangelical organizations like the ACLJ and Liberty Counsel, make the guide’s politics self-evident (though there’s no identifying or contact information and the site was registered with a service that conceals the identity of those who registered it). As one who identifies with the “Judeo” part of Judeo-Christian, I felt invited to click on my home state of Georgia to see whom I s…

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Theory that Palin Dog-Whistled Christian Zionists is Wrong

…ah Palin’s blood libel comments were intended as a dog whistle for evangelicals: The former Alaska governor was likely trying to send a signal to her evangelical Christian supporters who are, in fact, deeply pro-Israel (although many Jews are wary of their support for the Zionist state, seeing them as more interested in the Rapture than a healthy Jewish nation). Palin was likely aligning herself with pro-Israel evangelicals by identifying with Jew…

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After Her Remarks Pope JPII Was Never the Same — Controversial, Beloved Sr Theresa Kane’s Effect on the Catholic Church Endures

…. It was all quite genteel, including Theresa’s historic remarks delivered calmly without rancor or regret: As I share this privileged moment with you, Your Holiness, I urge you to be mindful of the intense suffering and pain which is part of the life of many women in these United States. I call upon you to listen with compassion and to hear the call of women who comprise half of humankind. As women we have heard the powerful messages of our Churc…

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Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican’s ‘Dignitas Infinita’ is an Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess

…uman Dignity” is that most people will not read it. This shoddily written, self-referential, unresearched paper wouldn’t get most first-year graduate students in theology a passing grade. The document, much of which could have been written on the heels of Vatican II in the late 1960s, is allegedly about human dignity. Instead, after a promising opening, it becomes a mishmash of the many and varied finite indignities (phrase and emphasis mine) that…

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A Great Evangelical Divorce? — Speaker Mike Johnson’s Breakup with Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Be Bad News For Trump

…rting Ukraine to championing its cause. His actions were, of course, political and personal, but they also signal a genuine conflict within American evangelicalism, one that could have ramifications for the upcoming presidential elections. At the beginning of 2024, mention of a report on Russian persecution of Ukrainian Christians started showing up in some evangelical publications, mostly notably in a February 6 story in Christianity Today. The r…

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Earth to Planet Catholic: Francis Papacy is no Picnic

…pokey and no deputy has yet been named. Rumor has it that Pell’s legal counsel costs the earth and people in Australia have been asked to ante up. Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson convicted last week of covering up sex abuse cases in his diocese will be sentenced in mid June. This is a first in Oz where knowing about abuse and not stopping it is judged to be as bad as the crime. Prosecutors are pushing for jail where clerics may need their own wi…

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The King of Irony

…enation and anger. He is not only exploiting Islamophobia to build a political base of fear and prejudice; his message of divisive suspicion also will undermine Muslim efforts to integrate into our society, to enrich America as our Catholic and Jewish ancestors did, not by abandoning their religion, but by bringing it into the American mainstream. We are American Muslims dedicated to democracy and pluralism; we support women’s equality and GLBT ri…

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Will SCOTUS’s New Zeal for “Neutrality” Affect its Decision on the “Muslim Ban”?

…nce in treatment elevates one view of what is offensive over another and itself sends a signal of official disapproval of Phillips’ religious beliefs.” As Justice Kagan’s concurrence explains, however, there is a clear distinction between refusal to sell a particular product (a cake with an anti-gay message) and refusal to sell a product to a particular customer (a wedding cake to a same-sex couple). Of course, the Court didn’t seem so concerned w…

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