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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…ical mind—have been applied in recent months to another tribal man, Luo of Kenya, who occupies the Oval Office at the moment. As an Indian militant I am discouraged, but not surprised, that the mainstream media has so far failed to recognize the stomp-down amazing fact that we not only have the first African American president, but the first tribal president in American history. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars through genealogists…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…a sizable portion of the population continues to believe Obama was born in Kenya, about half of Americans continue to say they don’t accept the reality of evolution. The big difference between the Kitzmiller trial and what we’e witnessing today is that the Seattle-based Discovery Institute (intelligent design’s chief champion) at least pretended it had developed a legitimate scientific theory—even though, to this day, there remains not one peer re…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…racy to turn the “American Constitution upside-down,” in order to “use our freedoms to promote pornography, homosexuality, immorality, and a host of evils characteristic of the last days.” LaHaye says the “Antichrist philosophy already controls America and Europe,” and that: We are the only nation that can halt the socialist Marxist enthronement of the UN as THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT of the world, but it will require a conservative administration and…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…to blacks—portrayed President Obama as an emissary to this world of secret codes and seditious intent, and his much-lauded religious freedom speech in Cairo as evidence of that. . . . [National Review contributor Andrew] McCarthy, author of the books The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America and How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda, links both President Obama and the American left to this supposed plot, claiming that they share…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…r cover in Nuba Mountain caves, William does not believe that the conflict between Northern and Southern Sudan will end with separation; independence, he says, will just be “ice on the fire.” The current conflicts in Abyei and Kordofan arise over the same fault lines as the civil war: race, religion, and resources. The Arab Muslim government in Khartoum has a long history of violently suppressing liberation movements in Central, Western, and South…

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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…is came to an end in 2003, with the repeal of the crime of gross indecency between men. In 2012, it became possible for those convicted of homosexual “sex offences” to have their criminal records erased under the Protection Of Freedoms Act – though not those deemed to have been committed in a public place such as toilets, where much of the entrapment went on. The process is slow and often painful, however, and campaigners such as James Taylor, hea…

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The Anglican and the Evangelicals: Insights from the Sudanese Genocide

…tment, he said he was told that their policy was one of “moral equivalency between the two sides.” Smith protested: “SPLM-North members are not bombing people indiscriminately, driving Arabs off their lands and out of their homes nor going door-to-door to identify their perceived enemies and execute them. The Government of Sudan’s military forces are.” “Some are trying to down play the overwhelming responsibility of the Sudanese government for the…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…the use of condoms “always” takes place “within a context of immorality.” Kenya’s bishops also dug in their heels, declaring that the Pope was merely remarking “on something that may be true about the psychological state of those who use [condoms].” Their objection was similar to that of Leonard Paul Blair, bishop of Toledo, Ohio, who argued that the Pope was merely speaking about a “hypothetical situation” in his choice to focus on a male prosti…

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Does Mormonism Encourage LDS People to Lie?

…f faith, no one knows for sure. And the tensions created by the dissonance between the Church’s public denial of polygamy and the private continuance of the doctrine creates tensions that lead more than a few Mormons to leave the faith. Given this complicated and conflicted situation, what should a Mormon say when she is asked whether we practice polygamy? A few weeks ago, I sat in front of a radio microphone for the BBC program “The World”; with…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…civil and religious marriage. It asked, “Do you support or oppose marriage between two persons of the same sex?” A clear majority of US Catholics said yes (54-40). As a region, Europeans oppose 38-56, but country by country differences are huge: Nearly two-thirds of Spanish Catholics support same-sex marriage (64-27), while almost 8 out of 10 Polish Catholics oppose it (15-78). In Latin America, Catholics in Brazil and Argentina are about evenly s…

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