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What Salman Rushdie’s Attacker Shares with Insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt

…joined the insurrection that seized the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. In that moment prior to her death she was exhilarated to be a part of what she thought was a conquering army. Like Matar and the Tsarnaev brothers, she was willing to risk martyrdom for what she believed was a righteous war. These are tragic illusions. They are double tragedies, in fact: for the victims are both the targets and the perpetrators of the attacks. Yet th…

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For Many Christian Zionists, Israeli Protesters are a Threat to God’s Plan

…h antisemitic conspiracy theories. Following Netanyahu’s failed election in 2021, evangelical author Mike Evans, who claims millions of followers, blamed the anti-Netanyahu bloc for risking Israel’s downfall in a Times of Israel blog post titled “Israel’s political striptease show.” Drawing a comparison between Netanyahu’s opposition and German Jews who supposedly allowed the Holocaust to happen because they were too “busy insulting each other [an…

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Do Make Trouble: The Complex World of Radical Jewish ‘Revenge Theologian,’ Meir Kahane

…ought of an American Jewish Radical Shaul Magid Princeton U. Press October, 2021 Kahane’s violence often left his ideas to be dismissed as the ravings of either a thug or a madman (perhaps both), but, as Magid unpacks, he had a complex worldview whose purpose was the reclamation of Jewish identity that Zionism promised to Jews throughout the world, an identity that negated the humiliations he ascribed to the state of diaspora. RD recently spoke wi…

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Arguments That Caste Protections ‘Unjustly Target’ South Asians Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

…iminate] against Hindu students and faculty … as presumed perpetrators.” In 2021, when a similar resolution was being considered by the Santa Clara County Human Rights Commission, Shukla warned in her testimony that the proposal would “uniquely target South Asians, Indians, and Hindus for ethno-religious profiling, monitoring, and policing.” Time and time again, the Hindu right has issued these same warnings about the discriminatory menace of cast…

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If We Don’t Counter Far-Right Christianity, 1/6 Will Just Be the Beginning

…rt network for former president Trump. Nearly one year ago, on January 6th, 2021, this growing religious and political extremism manifested itself in an unthinkable way. Mobs of Trump backers carrying crosses, bibles, and signs with religious messages stormed the Capitol—ransacking the building, hunting down Congressmembers, and ultimately leaving multiple people dead. A man in a fur hat and horns—now infamously known as the QAnon Shaman or Q-Sham…

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What Can a Real Life Haunting Tell Us About American Religion? [Updated]

…At first she suspected the cats. Then, at some point Maria and her husband installed a video camera to monitor the room overnight. One morning, they walked out into the kitchen to find all the cabinets wide open—even the upper cabinets that were well out of reach of the cats. The door leading to the garage was also wide open letting the cats out into the garage. When they checked the footage they found that the camera had stopped transmitting at a…

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As Florida Attempts to Make it Illegal, an Argument for the Sacred Work of White Discomfort

…erge now? According to a study by The Brookings Institution, as of November 2021, 9 states had passed and 20 states had introduced bills that are being promoted as banning CRT. Part of the answer lies in the unique cultural moment we are inhabiting as a country. As I argued in my 2016 book, The End of White Christian America, the visceral nature of today’s white conservative politics is driven by its desperate need for new mechanisms for ensuring…

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Do Stormy Daniels’ Beliefs in the Paranormal Make Her Unfit to Testify in Lawsuit Against Her Former Attorney?

…rmal investigation, psychic practices, and practicing witchcraft. In a June 2021 Facebook post, Daniels replied: “Let me get this straight… They are going to use my religious belie[fs] and profession to discriminate against me…” I should note that Avenatti’s lawyers probably don’t care what her beliefs actually indicate about her competence, let alone what religion scholars such as myself have to say about it. They’re employing a trial strategy to…

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Who’s ‘Really’ Jewish: the Sefardi Floridian, the Ashkenazi Californian, or the New York Jew By Choice? ‘Authenticity’ is a Trap

…gle one of the top 28 earning Jewish non-profit executives were men, and in 2021 still 16 of the 17 largest Jewish federations are led by men. According to the Reform Pay Equity Initiative, women still earn just four-fifths of what their male counterparts do within Jewish institutions. Rabbis are the highest paid clergy in America. Together, those data show just how much the subjective notion of authenticity conforms to the contours of power. Yet…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…s freedom ends and discrimination begins, Tennessee was not the first such instance of religious discrimination by a child-placement agency. In 2019, USA Today reported on Aimee Maddonna, a Catholic woman who was denied the opportunity to volunteer at a state-funded evangelical agency in South Carolina. She had hoped to use the experience to learn what it would take to become an adoptive parent. But that was not to be. Americans United for Separat…

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