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Ironies & Bright Spots for Gays in the Christian College World

…ber stated that he thinks the institution is moving towards “an acceptance policy.” However, the president emphasized that the “outcome is uncertain” and the final decision whether to change or retain the policy rests with the board.   My reaction when I read this article surprised me—my eyes filled with tears. And I realized how I usually suppress feelings about having to be closeted. I turned to theologian James Alison’s book, Faith Beyond Resen…

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If Not for AIPAC: What Ilhan Omar Should Have Said

…nning to have, to think outside the box. What should a progressive foreign policy look like? When we say we should ally with countries that share our values, what values, exactly, are we talking about? Whom do those values apply to? How can we make up for years of support for policies and actions that discriminated against and harmed Palestinians without abandoning our ties to Israel? What are the reasons for our support for these policies? How wi…

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Is it ‘biblical to enforce the law,’ as Trump Admin Claims in Defense of Separating Families?

…of the law. And it is pretty damn hard to argue that the administration’s policy on migrant families treats the neighbor as oneself, much less loving them. Or maybe breast-feeding mothers don’t count as neighbors? Maybe I’ve misunderstood that part of scripture. It’s striking—and again extraordinary—how little moral agency Sessions is willing to assert in his remarks. It’s Eric Holder’s fault. The Democrats should have taken the president’s DACA…

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“If Every Church Said, ‘We Will Take Over Our Community'”: The (Christian Right) Revolution Starts Small and Local

…dmond (R-NM), a former top official of Citizen Link, now called the Family Policy Alliance). One session featured Jeff Johnston, a culture and policy analyst at the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, whose presentation was titled, “LGBT Agenda in the Public Schools, and What We Can Do About It.” Other featured speakers included Debbie Chaves, the executive director of Colorado Family Action (the state affiliate of the Family Policy Allian…

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Immigration Reform According to Ralph Reed’s Bible

…how to apply his interpretation of other biblical themes to very specific policy details: In Scripture, the obligation to care for the alien carries a corollary responsibility for the immigrant to obey the law and respect national customs. In the Old Testament, immigrants who followed the law shared in the inheritance of Israel. Amnesty violates this principle. Those who have come to the U.S. illegally must reform: Pay fines and back taxes, under…

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Perry Taps Anti-Gay Crusader and “Prayer Lady” for Florida Team

…same year. He helped organize the “Rediscovering God in America” Pastors’ Policy Briefing by the Florida Renewal Project, which focused on engaging pastors in the presidential campaign and was widely seen as supportive of Huckabee. One of the key organizers of the Renewal Projects was David Lane, who told me in early 2008, “What we’re doing is the mobilization of pastors and pews to restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage. That’s our goal…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…maintains that the Obama administration is complicit in China’s One Child policy through its support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). “Perhaps that is why, according to Chen, his American ‘hosts’ started to sound more like fellow members of the international population-control mafia that is killing his country, than starry-eyed defenders of ‘human rights,’” Hoffman continued. (Hoffman provides no citation and I was unable to find ev…

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Protesting Yoga in Schools, But Welcoming Bible Study

…e Christian proselytism that is already making deep inroads into public education. *This article originally identified the National Center for Law & Policy as the National Center for Policy and Law. RD regrets the error. …

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Rick Perry, the Christocrat Favorite for President?

…ime trying to legislate defeat in Iraq, we hope you will attend a Pastors’ Policy Briefing that will equip you to walk point in the war of values and ideas. Rediscovering God in America-Austin is intended to remind us that excuses are not the proper strategy when facing evil and confronting enemies. Instead, we must rally godly people and seek God’s provision for the resources, the courage, and the strength necessary to win and, ultimately, glorif…

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Obama Changes Course on Islam

…rimarily refers to Muslims, the NSS acknowledges other types of domestic terrorism more than Brennan does. Overall, I see this administration as living up to many of points Obama spoke about in Cairo, almost a year ago. But I agree with Marc Lynch, writing at Foreign Policy: the foreign policy may be good, but the domestic policy with respect to our rights and torture leaves much to be desired. We need more engagement as an informed citizenry that…

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