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Atheist Holiday Display: “A” Does Not Stand for “Art”

…wkins Foundation’s Out Campaign, the Daley Plaza “A” is the latest aesthetically challenged branding effort by organized unbelief.  This past summer, when American Atheists erected a marker of its own to counter a Ten Commandments display outside a Florida courthouse, it was a monument far from monumental, an uncomfortable-looking bench whose single-seat design made one wonder if it’s true that atheists have fewer friends. At the time of the bench…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

World Vision Commitment to ‘Biblical Marriage’ Focused on Gays, Not Divorce Last week we wrote about the decision by World Vision’s American branch to allow the hiring of legally married gay Christians and its quick reversal after a wave of attacks on the decision by conservatives. Nathaniel Frank describes his unsuccessful efforts to get World Vision to explain how its renewed commitment to “Biblical marriage” can be seen as anything other than…

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Undercover-ed Religion: 13 Stories That Went Missing in 2012

…to focus on this year than the launch of our signature fragrance, RD’s Apocalypse-Begone (subtle notes of ash, hints of ocean breeze, a wisp of sulphur…).  –The Eds. 1. Maya Sham-a-You Old Harold Camping has nothing on the mysterious Maya, whose civilization flourished and then went kaput in Mesoamerica long before Europeans showed up. This month’s Harper’s includes an amusing Tom Frank riff on the passion of the many pseudo-scholars who cannot a…

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Sheldon Adelson’s Long Game

…ican Politics, an insidery look at the post-Citizens United world of political mega-donors. With several of the highly recognizable names—particularly casino mogul Sheldon Adelson—being Jewish, has their money bought them influence among Jewish voters? With regard to Adelson, the editorial contends, his early support of Newt Gingrich “didn’t really work. Gingrich lost the primary, and the protracted, intra-party fight weakened Mitt Romney in the g…

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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…ordained in the Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas—where the local church serves a largely Maya population. A rare reversal in church policy, resumption of deacon ordinations in Chiapas appears to signal an end to official ecclesiastical suppression of liberation theology and practice. In a striking statement, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the current head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (the Vatican organization tha…

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Cardinal Dolan Softens Pope’s Anti-Capitalism Rhetoric

…Bishops in what was widely seen as a move by the conference to reassert itself in the culture wars. It was Dolan more than any other member of the hierarchy who was responsible for ginning up the “religious liberty” issue, as he dialed up the rhetoric to paint the USCCB’s fight against the ObamaCare contraceptive mandate and efforts to expand same-sex marriage as an apocalyptical battle between believers and the forces of non-secularism. Dolan mo…

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New Poll Finds “Growing Appetite” for Mixing Religion and Politics

…nistration is “unfriendly” to religion, and discontent among white evangelicals with how the Republican Party represents their interests. Heading into the mid-term elections, and looking ahead to the 2016 presidential campaign, these results should prove unsettling for advocates of untangling religion from electoral politics, as they could signal to candidates that a growing number of voters are interested in hearing them talk about their faith. W…

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Israel’s Chief Rabbis Say No to Christian Zionist Event

…niversity. The Times of Israel reports the letter from the Chief Rabbinate calls on Jews to boycott the event: “It’s true that one cannot prevent the believers of any faith from praying according to their religion. However, in the case of a ceremony which aims to mix between religions in a way that harms the believers of the other religion, it must not be allowed to take place,” the statement, signed by Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardi…

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Synod ‘Fight for Soul’ of Catholic Church, Flap On English Translation of Key Report; Anti-Gay Law Advances in Kyrgyzstan; Global LGBT Recap

…oke into the open after the public reading on Monday of a working document called a relatio that was intended to summarize discussions to date at the Catholic bishops’ synod on the family. The document contained language that felt to many like a major departure – what some called a “stunning shift” in the church’s approach to gay people. That draft and the media response to it provoked a furious backlash from conservatives, who are hoping for a ma…

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“De-Ratzingerization” Continues as Pope Francis Removes Conservative Cardinal Burke

…itic of Francis’ agenda. During the recent family synod he was openly critical of Francis surrogate Cardinal Walter Kasper’s reform proposals for communion for the remarried and afterward suggested that the church under Francis was like a “ship without a rudder.” The conservative Catholic blog Rorate Caeli called Burke’s pending removal some ten years before the mandatory retirement age of 75 unprecedented and “the greatest humiliation of a Curial

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