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Hagee Calls Obama “The Most Anti-Semitic President Ever”

…on Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee. In his remarks, Hagee called President Barack Obama “the most anti-Semitic president ever.” Chemi Shalev reports more details: The other stars of the night were the ubiquitous Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, whose generous contributions to ZOA have helped lift the organization out of the doldrums and into the spotlight and the fast lane. [ZOA president Mort] Klein g…

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American Nuns and the Vatican: More Pain than Promise

…able signal of disapproval of how women religious were living increasingly self- and community-directed lives. The Visitation was in no way experienced by the subjects or meant by the perpetrators “to convey the caring support of the Church in respectful, ‘sister-to-sister’ dialogue, as modeled in the Gospel account of the Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth” as one “eyebrow-raising paragraph” in the report asserted—this revisionist history…

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Is “Religious Freedom” Impossible After Hobby Lobby?

…the Department permits various hairstyles as well as moustaches). Justice Scalia seemed to agree, suggesting that the court dismiss the case and wait for one that presented a thicker tension between individual rights and prison security. “I don’t want to do these cases half-inch by half-inch.” The Court found that Arkansas was imposing a “substantial burden” on the plaintiff’s “religious exercise” while failing to demonstrate that the burden was t…

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BSA Gay Okay?—Delay.

…sition 8 in 2008, the LDS Church has largely dropped out of official political involvement in boots-on-the-ground anti-LGBT equality initiatives and the aggressive anti-gay rhetoric those campaigns have engendered within Mormon communities. (It did, however, file an amicus brief against gay marriage in the Supreme Court last week.) The Church has acknowledged that gay people are a part of the Mormon community and sought to foster an internal rheto…

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Which Islamists?: Religion and the Syrian Civil War

…a is a religious country—something even atheist defectors recognize. Practically speaking, religion’s had a number of roles. First, it’s the most potent rallying cry. Nationalism doesn’t have the same appeal as other parts of the Arab world, because nationalist slogans are a mainstay of the ruling Baath party, and religious rhetoric also gives the revolution a higher purpose. Likewise, secularism is associated with the Assad regime, and is thus ta…

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Muslim Women Create a Mosque of Their Own in Los Angeles

…e project’s President, was busy with last minute event planning and logistical details. Her dream to create a mosque that welcomed and empowered women was on the verge of becoming a reality: “I was anxious before but I’m not now; everything is falling into place,” she told me. That optimism was no doubt bolstered by more than 225 RSVPs from prospective attendees as well as the growing media attention that their work was attracting. Just after 1pm…

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Romney Stands Up to Bryan Fischer at Values Voters Summit

…Voter Summit. I was wrong. And I’m glad. Rather than taking a characteristically pragmatic and passive response to Fischer’s anti-Mormon (and anti-everyone-else) rants, Romney said: Almost all Americans live for a purpose greater than ourselves.  Our heritage of religious faith and tolerance has importantly shaped who we have become as a people.  We must continue to welcome faith into the public square and allow it to flourish. Our government shou…

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Update #2: No Safe Place For Truthtellers: A Larger Frame For the House Chaplain Brouhaha

…e Chaplain through the end of this Congress. That’s through the end of the calendar year for those keeping score. In her WaPo piece asking why we even have paid chaplains serving in both houses of Congress, Sarah Pulliam Bailey uncovers the not-surprising fact that it’s basically all about the persistence of superstition. In 1787 no less a religious skeptic than randy old Benjamin Franklin proposed that the proceedings of the Constitutional Conven…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

sense of this? I can think of a few possible angles:   The LOLsobbily Logical On the one hand, the rape exception has always been dicey for those who want to claim that, while they’re not fond of denying medical decision-making to women per se, nevertheless incipient human life is still human life and should be protected. For if we don’t protect the most vulnerable in our midst—the thinking goes—then everyone’s protections are called into questio…

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Pastors for Perry?

…project” get-out-the-vote campaigns. In a perfect world, he said, evangelicals would be counting on Fort Worth-trained minister Mike Huckabee to help turn out conservatives for primaries and precinct conventions. Without Huckabee running, White said Perry can become the favorite “because we live in a less-than-perfect world.” The ministers and religious conservatives in White’s e-mail network are waiting for a signal to begin a national “Draft Pe…

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