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Retribution v. Reform in American Justice

…no pleasurable parts of this book. In fact, it’s really grim. People with relatively good intentions did bad things. But even worse, inmates are subject to dreadful and debasing treatment. Reading about their experiences can be rough going. This book might piss some people off. Readers with a strong commitment to an overly simple narrative of evangelical political engagement won’t like the book. Readers with nostalgia for the early republic or ant…

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Of Personhood and the Pill: What’s at Stake?

…e same logic? If the amendment as written will protect embryos from being deliberately and knowingly killed, this must derive from their being people with the right not to be murdered. However, do these “embryonic people” also have the right not to be handled in a manner which, if applied to newborn infants, would be considered negligent manslaughter or child endangerment? 21 Not-So-Simple Words Unfortunately, IVF just doesn’t really work all that…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…non-denominational in nature and can be enjoyed by families with diverse religious beliefs. Huckabee recently said that all Americans should be forced to listen to pseudo-historian David Barton at gunpoint. While his name doesn’t appear on the list of the company’s “master historians,” Huckabee is clearly following Barton’s template where everything is spelled out in terms of good versus evil and anything in between is simply airbrushed from hist…

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Talking About Religion Will Not Help Romney

…“planets”—a cartoonish mockery of what is actually a rather innovative and elegant Mormon belief about the soul’s capacity for eternal progress.  Facing down ridicule is the cost of trying to use religion as an advantage in electoral politics. But given how comfortable he seems to be in pivoting on strategy and dealing with sticky issues, Mitt should just hold steady to his muted approach to the religion issue and hope that the Gingrich surge peak…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…left-wing fringe,” the diehard stay-at-home who’s writing here fits the label well enough. But the reasons are probably not what you think. I did not begin moving leftward because my hatred for you required more vitriol than liberal politics would allow. I moved to the left because I could no longer abide the populist-progressive morality play in which the role of Lucifer always falls to a businessman while any deadbeat will do for a saint. I coul…

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Romney Shovels Walks to No Avail

…ound—with enough time, good will, and hard work. With just enough walk-shoveling. That was always a risky bet for a wonky Yankee Mormon. And evidence suggests that it hasn’t worked: evangelical Christians are consolidating behind Rick Santorum. Had Romney not spent the entire first part of his candidacy trying to pass himself off as a regular Christian conservative, he might be in a position to state the obvious: to take the Republican party by th…

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Cues for Throwing Up

…h that “profoundly undermined the place not just of Catholics, but of all religious believers, in America’s public life and political conversation. Today, half a century later, we’re paying for the damage.” Today, Santorum’s (and Chaput’s) reactions to their fellow Catholic’s view reflect a fundamental(ist) shift: evangelical activists do not want to hear that the White House will be free of religious influence; in fact, a White House free of reli…

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A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron

…he far right agenda by speaking at CPAC, but and it remains to be seen if he’ll embrace the rest of the “biblical worldview” promoted by Vision Forum and Christian Reconstruction: biblical patriarchy, eliminating public education, and any public assistance for the poor, etc. In any case I’ll bet that Monumental will be a contender for the Phillips’ Jubilee Award next year.  …

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Another “Hot Text” For the War on Women: Rosemary’s Baby

…arleston (where he teaches courses on Satan and modernity and monsters—as well as religion) and author of Satan in America and Monsters in America. Having read Poole’s writings on Rosemary’s Baby, I decided to invite him for a little chat about it. In your book Satan in America, you quote Darryl Jones as saying “Rosemary’s Baby is a film about men controlling women’s bodies.” It seems to me that the satanic stuff blinds a lot of people to what the…

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Patriotism and Piety—Not For Conservatives Only

…d in the past through economic good times and bad. And if higher income levels correlate with more frequent worship attendance (as Charles Murray, most famously, claims), the mystery deepens—the people who are best insulated from the economic shocks of the last four years and have the least reason to punish Obama are most likely to vote against him. Might religiosity be an independent variable, one that can override economics? Jonathan Haidt gives…

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