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Southern Baptist Convention Declares Gay Rights Are Not Civil Rights

…s full, tax-paying citizens of the United States of America, you can damn well bet it is a civil rights movement. Nobody copyrighted the phrase, and nobody can, on one hand say, “Yes, we see that you’re being wronged,” and then say, “but you have no right to work for your civil rights, or to call it a ‘civil rights’ movement.” But the SBC certainly does want it both ways. They work in their “love the sinner, hate the sin” philosophy by being clear…

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Auditor Calls ‘Gay Parenting’ Study ‘Bullshit’

…as the victim of a lynch mob of leftist sociologists, it recognizes that religious right groups have not been telling the truth about the study. Ferguson quotes the FRC saying, “In a historic study of children raised by homosexual parents, sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Augstin has overturned the conventional academic wisdom that such children suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mothe…

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Of Martian Rovers and Terror in Holy Spaces

…ttacks on vulnerable human beings at prayer, or about to pray. We want to believe in religious spaces as safe dwellings, as sanctuaries in the most literal sense of the word—but they have also long been targets for Americans who fear change. In the wake of yesterday’s shooting, we have seen quite rational calls for greater religious literacy and appeals to what governor Scott Walker called “evil”. Americans could indeed use a primer on most world…

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Akin and the God Factor

…ermination to stand up to GOP pols who forever pay them lip service but rarely deliver the goods. […] And if he does win, he will enter the Senate next year not as some random wingnut dude from Missouri who was swept into office on a conservative wave in Missouri, but as Todd Akin, celebrity and Avenging Hero, who owes nothing to anyone other than his God, his family, and his loyal base. Yup. (UPDATE: In case you had any doubts, check out this len…

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Christocrat Competition

…adopter of the term “Christocrat” to lead your effort? Newt Gingrich has selected former Senator Zell Miller to be the co-chair of his presidential campaign. Miller, a Democrat, infamously spoke to the 2004 Republican National Convention and charged that John Kerry would arm the military with spitballs. But that’s not Miller’s only claim to fame. Earlier in 2004, he gave a speech on the floor of the Senate, asserting that America was on the road…

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Nancy Hardesty, Founding Mother of Biblical Feminist Movement (1941-2011)

…like working with the children. It seems that no part of who she knows herself to be is welcome in this world, or for that matter by God, because, after all, the Bible is clear about the status of women. Right? I still remember when I first discovered that the text in Ephesians that tells wives to be submissive is immediately preceded by a command that Christians be subject to one another with no reference to gender at all Not only is this text ex…

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Who’s Accusing Who of Mormon-Baiting?

…he fate of the nation’s first major party presidential candidate. But I’ll bet you a twelve pack of caffeine-free Diet Coke and a dozen pink-frosted sugar cookies that there is no anti-Mormon phonebanking script in use by Catholics for Obama. Anywhere. Is anti-Mormonism real? Yes. But even if one poorly-trained rogue phonebanker veered off script into an anti-Mormon ad lib, it does not make for a concerted anti-Mormon effort.  (Leave that to ortho…

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I Am Better than Him

…hat by making certain choices we will be better. Not just better than our selves, as in self improvement, but better than others. Better than our equally shared nature as human beings. This is how it went. In the pre-existence on earth, in a place of bliss, called firdaws, or paradise, when the primordial parents had no needs and no wants, Satan (this was already after the istikbar thing, but I’ll have to explain how he got there another time) sug…

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Turn On The News: The Times Has to Make a Choice: It Can’t Laugh at Satanic Claims and Take the Christian Right at Face Value

…their case that she is in fact the high priestess of satanic harmonies, or else admit that a “well organized minority who’re very good at getting attention in the media” in the US (i.e. the Christian Right) aren’t worth listening to. You might get a pretty good interview out of the first option, but overall, the second is sounder journalism. It’s also better for readers and, perhaps more importantly, democracy itself. ### The author encourages rea…

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This is not a Religion Column: Biblical Capitalism

…or as a crony. Biblical capitalism isn’t, ultimately, a supply-and-demand religion. Between business conservatism’s love of laissez-faire and religious conservatism’s love of an interventionist god—McCain’s tax cuts for the rich and Palin’s prayers for a new Alaskan pipe line—the only salvation to be found is in the form of bail-outs, indulgences, to borrow a pre-Protestant term. And those are reserved for “the new chosen,” as the Fellowship calls…

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