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Georgia Gov Vetoes Right-To-Discriminate Bill

services—such as musicians, florists, or caterers—to discriminate against customers based on religious beliefs, since providing these services may require attending a wedding. This section of the bill contained no ban against invidious discrimination otherwise prohibited by state or federal law, and therefore may have empowered government officials and wedding-related service providers to refuse to attend interfaith or interracial weddings. Allow…

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Why I Joined Over a Thousand Faith Leaders in Masterpiece Case Brief

…rpiece Cakeshop is a business open to the public; it cannot choose to deny service to same-sex couples. If Phillips believes baking a cake for a same-sex couple violates his religious beliefs, he can choose not to operate a business. The same would be true if an atheist baker believed that baking a cake for a baptism violated their beliefs. An individual is free to hold and to practice such beliefs, but they are not free to use those beliefs to cl…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…there. The text that Michael has instructed Toller to use at his memorial service is the very last message for humanity that the Hebrew Bible attributes to God. As the Book of Job draws to a close, God rehearses the mysteries and wonders of the natural world and rebukes Job (and by extension all of us mortals) for our presumption of knowledge and control: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? (etc.)” And, as he plots a consumma…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…evangelism,” which supported signs and wonders in the ministry and church service, and encouraged people to find their spiritual gifts. Wimber’s Vineyard Fellowship had experienced tremendous growth in the late 1970s because of his emphasis on spiritual gifts of healing and prophecy. Wimber and Wagner’s partnership was dynamic, and they even taught a controversial class together at Fuller where students “exercised” their spiritual gifts on each o…

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What About the Religious Liberty of Liberal Military Chaplains?

…ultimate repeal of DADT. ADF legal counsel Daniel Blomberg has said that “service members should not be denied the very constitutional liberties they volunteered to defend,” completely disregarding the fact that many gay and lesbian soldiers who profess a faith, Christian or otherwise, should also have their religious liberty protected—which means not having to bear being insulted or demonized by anyone in the military, chaplain or otherwise. Thi…

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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…er to flourish their claims of political power. Yet in his years of public service prior to 2008, John McCain’s speeches are models of secular aridity. He doesn’t just occasionally speak of God or faith or America’s Christian promise; he never does. Indeed, John McCain does not like to talk about religion. “I’m unashamed and unembarrassed about my deep faith in God,” he has said, “But I do not obviously try to impose my views on others.” When pres…

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Qur’an-Burning Pastor Says It’s Time “To Hold Islam Accountable”

…awareness that there could be a violent reaction,” he told a British news service today. In a press release distributed through the Christian Newswire service, Jones issued a statement defending his Qur’an burning on the grounds that the resulting violence in Afghanistan proved that “the time has come to hold Islam accountable,” adding that “Islam is not a religion of peace.” He demanded that “Muslim dominated countries can no longer be allowed t…

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I’m Too Sexy for My Church: Will a Thriving Singles Scene Renew American Catholicism?

…something of them. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, from service activities to social events. YMA now has 700 active people on its email list. Young adult groups can give the sense that the church wants to marry people off so they will have Catholic babies, but Jarzembowski says this is a misperception. He notes that the Catholic Church defines the young adult years—ages 19 to 39—as a time of transition, not only to marriage but…

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Russian Orthodox Church Supports Referendum on Sodomy Laws

…or which Okhlobystin—an ordained Orthodox priest on indefinite hiatus from service in the church—serves as creative director. As Global Voices Online’s Kevin Rothrock has pointed out, many in the liberal Russian blogosphere had until recently tended to regard Okhlobystin as only a charlatan and provocateur making outlandish statements as a form of performance art. His recent actions, however, are causing some of them to change their views and to s…

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Death of a Self-Proclaimed God-Man: Sai Baba’s Controversial Career

…ife, one encounters moments of divine transformation, devotion, and public service as well as pain, death, and heinous accusations. Millions of devotees believed in and worshiped Sai Baba as a god-man, an avatar of God. Many also despised him as a charlatan, a sexual abuser, and even an accessory to murder. Becoming God Sai Baba was born as Sathyanarayana Raju on November 23, 1926 in Puttaparthi. In 1940, after recovering from seizures caused by a…

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