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RIP: Bishop Otis Charles and Rev. Robert Nugent

…ry 1 at age 76. The Washington Post carried Kevin Eckstrom’s Religion News Service obituary of Nugent, which notes that Nugent had been silenced by the Vatican for his work with LGBT Catholics. In many ways, the scrutiny of Nugent’s activism symbolized the Vatican’s approach to all talk of homosexuality under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI — what one gay Catholic group called a “witch hunt” — compared with the more tolerant “who am I to judge…

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Why the Methodist Effort to Discipline Sessions Is a Risky Business

The United Methodist News Service is reporting that over 600 clergy and lay members of the denomination are seeking church discipline against Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his role in the Trump administration’s policy of separating detained migrant families at the U.S. border: The group claimed in a June 18 statement that Sessions, a member of a Mobile, Alabama, church, violated Paragraph 2702.3 of the denomination’s Book of Discipline. Spec…

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Tainted Love: The Cost of Sojourners’ Refusal to Take Sides on LGBT Issues

…iately forthcoming about our relationship if someone talks to us after the service.  Regardless of what good work we do for the church, our efforts will be seen by many church people as tainted because of our loving, committed relationship. The congregants in my partner’s home church are extremely proud of the work that she is doing with the poor in New York City. However, if they knew she was in a relationship with a woman, they would cease to ta…

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You’re Either Committing Ethnic Cleansing or You’re Not

…raided, the men are summarily shot, and the women are bused to a camp to “service” rowdy Serb soldiers. There Ajla, separated from her family, finds that Prince Charming is her captor. Danijel, we then learn, is a Serb commander whose military service, and possibly his rank, is due to his father: a gruff general overloaded with nationalist bile who has only to slap his son a few times to change his mind about virtually anything. Danijel is a cont…

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The Tense History Behind Jimmy Carter’s Liberty U. Commencement Address

…ry 2017, the Liberty University president read a Bible passage at a prayer service on the morning of the Trump inauguration. Carter, who was also in attendance, approached Falwell Jr. and thanked him for his words. As Falwell Jr. puts it, “He stopped me afterward and told me he thought I did a good job…He said he saw my name on the program before I spoke, and he thought it was great that I’d be here to read Scripture. He was very kind.” Carter did…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…he issue was about “providing equality in the way that the public receives services from the state” and civil marriage was not a matter for churches. “I have my own beliefs as a member of a church, as to how the church role fits in,” he said. “But in terms of civil society, the services which are provided, I don’t believe that it is for those of us who are in the heterosexual majority to tell people who are in the homosexual minority that they’re…

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Openly Gay Mormon Appointed to LDS Church Leadership Position

…o reaching out to the many LGBT Mormons who live within his congregation’s service area. “We have so many people on the Church records who are inactive, whose families are still members. Many of them served honorably as Mormon missionaries. Many identify as LGBT. I want them to understand that like me they do have a home here,” Mayne says. “As an openly gay priesthood leader, I hope my example also shows that not only do they have a home here but…

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The Tense History Behind Jimmy Carter’s Liberty U. Commencement Address

…ry 2017, the Liberty University president read a Bible passage at a prayer service on the morning of the Trump inauguration. Carter, who was also in attendance, approached Falwell Jr. and thanked him for his words. As Falwell Jr. puts it, “He stopped me afterward and told me he thought I did a good job…He said he saw my name on the program before I spoke, and he thought it was great that I’d be here to read Scripture. He was very kind.” Carter did…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…ld, missionaries often struggle to convert a single person in two years of service. The musical’s main character, Elder Price, is a recognizable alpha-Mormon type: a hyper-masculine priesthood holder who wraps his spiritual arrogance in self-professed humility. (In Mormonism, unlike most patriarchal systems, men must rule through meekness.) Price is certain that his life will be “awesome” because he deserves it. He can’t understand why Heavenly Fa…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…there. The text that Michael has instructed Toller to use at his memorial service is the very last message for humanity that the Hebrew Bible attributes to God. As the Book of Job draws to a close, God rehearses the mysteries and wonders of the natural world and rebukes Job (and by extension all of us mortals) for our presumption of knowledge and control: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? (etc.)” And, as he plots a consumma…

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