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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…l key issues, which until then were considered to lie at the core of their policy: compulsory military service and nuclear energy, to name just two prominent examples. There aren’t many such issues left, but marriage equality is one of them. For many in the party, giving in on gay rights would be the equivalent of selling the silverware. Several C.D.U. members have defected to the upstart, far-right Alternative for Germany Party, which upholds the…

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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…not only into the public square, but quite deliberately into legislation, policy, and jurisprudence. As Titus tells it, God opened a door when the televangelist Oral Roberts wanted to found a Christian law school at his eponymous university in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “My first reaction,” said Titus in a recent interview with the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation, “was, no way, I’m not going to be identified with Oral Roberts, with this he…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

…s later, “sen[d] seismic waves through the Mormon community,” with its new policy barring the children of married gay parents from membership or baptism. In a speech now scrubbed from an official LDS website, Elder D. Todd Christofferson called same-sex marriage “a particularly grievous…sin that requires Church discipline.” In other words, the legacy media hasn’t historically been the most astute critics. The truth is, Oaks has been preaching esse…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…uence legislation or policy, they should merely reflect the legislative or policy perspective of the organizers, not an insistence that we should be governed by their version of the Bible. I’ve reported on, and experienced, the very type of rally Perry is planning, and I’d give Bearse points for honesty. They are indeed intended to convert new followers to Christ. But they really are about something much, much more: purging America of non-believer…

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From Confusion to Kardashian: Misreading the Middle East

…llustration of Stephen Walt’s “confusionism.” In a recent post for Foreign Policy, Walt argued that we can understand world affairs through “confusionism”: as often as not, elite decisions are characterized by the biases, misinformation, arrogance, and human irrationality that everyday decisions are marred by. Frequently, elites don’t know what they’re doing, but keep doing it—sometimes, when they fail to get the results they want, they just doubl…

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The Marxist Roots of American Exceptionalism

…s own. Lurking in the background of this unilateralist approach to foreign policy was the older meaning of American exceptionalism, though of course spun positively and shorn of its Marxism: America could have an exceptionalist foreign policy because it was different from other nations. And not only different, but superior. Although in the strictly Marxist usage “exceptionalism” only referred to a way in which the U.S. was different from, rather t…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…inistration, set out to overhaul decades of established Republican foreign policy, shifting America’s focus from Russia to China. As Politico reported in 2023, he was an influential voice among those reluctant to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion. Colby and his Allies frame themselves as “conservative realists,” which he’s trying to sell as the “middle way” between isolationism and interventionism. Battle against the “totalitarian” “group…

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Tony Perkins will Fit Right in at Religious Freedom Commission

…iled suit against the USCIRF, claiming that they hired her as a South Asia policy analyst but quickly reneged on the offer on the grounds of her Muslim faith. Ghori-Ahmad’s suit quoted Nina Shea, a founding USCIRF commissioner, as saying in an email that hiring Ghori-Ahmad to analyze religious freedom in Pakistan would be the equivalent of “hiring an IRA activist to research the UK twenty years ago.” Ghori-Ahmad claimed that her treatment by the U…

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No Longer At Sea: Kate Bornstein Talks Scientology

…been safe because he would’ve been able to protect her. Everything in that policy points to blatant misogyny. This was originally a 20-page policy letter, and they were almost never that long. So it was obviously important to him. But it’s not the sort of sexism you might find in fundamentalist Christianity, in which women sometimes cannot take leadership roles. It’s more mainstream misogyny, wouldn’t you say? Yes, and in that respect, he was ahea…

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Unreasonable Doubt: Vincent Bugliosi Defends Agnosticism

…yond a reasonable doubt.” We might, as a society, have adopted a different policy. Not only might we have adopted a policy of presuming guilt, but we might very well have given juries a third option in their deliberations. We might have allowed a verdict of “we don’t know.” After all, it’s simply not true that we have to treat people as guilty or as innocent. While someone is on trial, we treat them differently from everyone else (we don’t put jus…

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