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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…ed. “The introduction of this amendment and other similar bills throughout Eastern Europe is an alarming trend that contributes to increased violence and discrimination. We urge the Obama Administration to publicly condemn this legislation and to press the Lithuanian government to ensure that the amendment is not reintroduced.” Tomas V. Raskevičius, Policy Coordinator of the Lithuanian Gay League, said: “Despite the fact that the bill was removed…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…of sex (kissing) and nudity (a painting of Adam and Eve that shows Eve’s breast). When asked if she was exploring a presidential campaign in Iowa, Angle replied that she was investigating her options. She has since said she is not promoting the film because she is running for president—though is not the same as saying she is not running. For now it looks like she’ll focus on the congressional race, but in any case she seems intent on insuring that…

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The General’s Son Recounts Very Different Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

…eing naïve.” In 1967 the Israeli army also seized the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, without any permission from the civilian leaders. They called it “finishing the job.” Matti Peled recalled hearing his father say that as early as 1953 the military had determined to “push Israel’s eastern border to its natural location on the banks of the Jordan River.” The occupying army cleared the way for civilian settlers who still use the mythic versio…

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The Untold Story of The Greatest Yiddish Poet in America

…otten Yiddish volumes, immersing himself in the language and literature of Eastern European Jews. Manseau has taken the stories he has heard and read, especially those of a generation of sweatshop workers on the Lower East Side who spent their free moments composing Yiddish literature, and woven them into a fantasy of love and loss, of a woman and of a language, of the mystery of bashert. Manseau himself is clearly aware of the boldness, or perhap…

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With Christian Schools At Risk In Israel, Crickets from American Christian Conservatives

…at kind of growing repression in the U.S. today and it is fostering or at least giving rise to the spread of the persecution of Christians and religious minorities around the world.” If requiring health insurance for contraception is a “massive violation” of the rights of Christians, what is starving their schools of funding? In a letter promoting Family Research Council’s first-ever tour of Israel scheduled for this fall, Perkins described it as…

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ISIS Claims Responsibility for Orlando Massacre; Legal Gray Area in Jordan Amid Rising Fundamentalism; Push and Pull on LGBT Human Rights at UN; Global LGBT Recap

…s banned from playing. “It’s one of the only countries in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region that does not criminalise being LGBT+,” said Khalid in an interview. He is the founder of My Kali magazine, the first LGBT+ friendly webzine in Jordan, and one of the first in the MENA region. He identifies as gay. “Most of the countries in the MENA region want to reach that level. And it’s already given to us,” he added. Yet, half-a-century si…

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Ten Religion Stories That Went (Mostly) Missing in 2015

…amics of hundreds of everyday shootings in places like the west side of Baltimore and the south side of Chicago? 6. Toilets. “You can’t go in there!” riles up the righteous in Houston. But, on the other hand, hundreds of congregations are doing small group study on what “trans” means, and many of the faithful merely shrug at the idea of queer Scoutmasters, for God’s sake. Sexual difference seems to be much less frightening to ever larger swathes o…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…own might have been different from the time New York City, 90 miles to the east, and different again from the time in Reading, 40 miles to the southwest. Our current system of time zones and standard clocks is an extraordinary modern achievement. And it’s uniquely universal: people in New Guinea set their watches by the same standard as people in New Mexico. Ideological enemies find common ground; the United States and North Korea might not agree…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…n from military rule proved particularly robust and where national leaders promoted LGBT human rights at home and abroad? Will Raúl Castro and his eventual successors seek to imitate China and Vietnam, where dramatic market reforms occur within unreconstructed communist political structures, and where LGBT people have carved out increasing space in the private sphere, but LGBT human rights – as rights, as markers of an independent civil society –…

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Protocols of the Elders of Mecca: Hints of Anti-Semitic Playbook in Glenn Beck’s Islamophobia

…use Hamid is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution Center on Middle East Policy, but because he’s the author of the widely praised study of Islamist movements, Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East. Hamid did not mince words: “To conflate Islamists and jihadists seems almost an analytical crime.” As he put it, “Islamists believe that Islam and Islamic law should play a central role in public life, and…

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