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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…t in Brazil. According to AP‘s Diane Jeantet, the Court’s president wrote that “It is not to be assumed that a humorous satire has the magic power to undermine the values ​​of the Christian faith, whose existence goes back more than two thousand years.” Amen. There is a strong déjà-vu quality to the protests that have recently erupted around the Brazilian comedy troupe Porta dos Fundos’s presentation of Christ as a gay man. In Netflix’s Christmas…

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Mel Gibson’s ‘To-Do’ List

…get a hold of some of their to-do lists which should give you an idea of what they’re up to these days. Jim Wallis 1. Keep digging until hit common ground 2. Give Glenn Beck a noogie 3. Clean up donkey dung in Senate chambers 4. Register God to vote 5. Email Bono that just joined R(ED) Glenn Beck 1. Give Jim Wallis a wedgie 2. Order assclown costume 3. Bring cotton candy to the media circus 4. Conduct taste test to find best chalk 5. Buy extra-st…

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Forget the “God Gap,” the “Union Gap” is Bad News for Republicans

…ut 11% of working Americans, compared to roughly 20-25% of the population that is evangelical—but as we know, religious practice is on the decline in the US*, and boy, it sure looks like organized labor has been mightily energized by the events of the past couple of weeks. What’s more, the strongest correlation with voting is racial, not religious. Not only do blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic, but Hispanics—the fastest growing demographic in…

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Cooler than Thou: Will Hipsters Wreck Christianity?

…ne are a thing of the past to such groups because, as the director of a Manhattan-based artist ministry says, “that just wouldn’t fly in a post-Christian city like New York.” At Pete’s Candy Store, the bar where Revolution holds its Sunday evening services, Bakker tries to build not just a solid community—through a deep commitment to fighting social injustices, for example—but an egalitarian one as well. He doesn’t want to command all of the atten…

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“My Name is Will and I’m Putting You on Notice”

…stand and refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance in class. Will believes that until gays and lesbians receive the same rights and recognition as heterosexuals in this country, the phrase “liberty and justice for all” is just a farce and he refuses to be a part of it. Phillips was speaking at the Big Commit Sunday in Washington DC, a counter-rally to the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage’s wrap up of its “Summer for Marriage” tour. (Hat

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Rebooting the Universe: Doctor Who part X, Season Finale

…same time, we put our past together. And it is precisely because of this that what we recall cannot always be relied on for accuracy. This is relevant to religion in numerous ways. One of the subjects I study is the historical figure of Jesus. I have encountered with surprising frequency the fringe viewpoint which claims that Jesus is unlikely to have really existed, having been concocted from earlier myths and stories (although why anyone would…

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Birtherism at Values Voters

…this video. Peterson, who appeared in a cowboy hat and boots and claimed that President Obama “hates America,” led Dave Weigel to tweet, “This episode of “Hee-Haw” was brought to you by WorldNetDaily.” Peterson made clear he was invited here by the Family Research Council’s Tom McCluskey. Peterson not only thinks Obama hates America, he also doesn’t believe Obama was born in the United States. I asked him that after his appearance, and here’s his…

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Thinking Theologically About Wisconsin Union Conflict

…t, I think, is the message of the manna and the quail out in the desert. The newly-freed Israelites would love to be as rich as they remember the Egyptians being, but their God calls them to a “just-enough” economy that prevents exploitation. We’ll see if he can pull the same rabbit out of the hat in Madison. *The Abrahamic faiths, anyway. **Note to those who troll the comments: that’s scripture paraphrase, not quote….

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Discovery Institute’s Bill Dembski Recants

…teach that the Flood was universal. As a biblical inerrantist, I believe that what the Bible teaches is true and bow to the text, including its teaching about the Flood and its universality. What I find most interesting about this is the Discovery Institute has maintained a steady drumbeat on the issue of academic persecution, pushing the argument in countless articles (see here, here, and here), as well as in the movie Expelled. They argue that

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Ordered To Remove Her Hijab, Army Sgt. Felt ‘Religiously Raped’

…dovinos’ hair was coming out of her head wrap when she came back. I guess that was an indication that it had been removed,” the eyewitness said. “It appears to be a case of pure anti-Muslim harassment,” Weinstein said. “They’re facing a formal EEO complaint. This was their chance to do the right thing. And if they don’t, among other things, we will file a formal complaint with the US Civil Rights Commission in Washington. We will take it out of DO…

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