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Will SCOTUS’s New Zeal for “Neutrality” Affect its Decision on the “Muslim Ban”?

…lfully ignore the overwhelmingly Christian nature of the prayer, deciding that the fact “[t]hat nearly all of the congregations in town turned out to be Christian does not reflect an aversion or bias on the part of town leaders against minority faiths.” Of course the elephant in the courtroom is not how the Court’s repeated emphasis on religious neutrality squares with its past decisions, but how it will affect the other most important religion ca…

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“Professor” David Barton On Immigration: God Drew Our Borders

…adio show was on illegal immigration. Barton donned his “biblical scholar” hat to inform us that, “its God, not man, who establishes the borders of nations.” Citing Deuteronomy 32:8, he said: When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he’s the one who set up boundaries for the nations. National boundaries are set by God; he is the one who drew up the lines for the nations. If you have open borders you say,…

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Books to Give this Holiday Season to Help Understand the World We’ve Found Ourselves in (and to Help Reimagine a Better One)

…teen years after the end of the book on which the Hulu series was based. Hopefully, your friend will garner the energy to create the happy ending Atwood depicts. But first, they’ve got to get off that couch, put on their pussy hat, and fight like hell in 2020. Donald Builds the Wall by Eric Metaxas and Tim Raglin Just kidding! Please don’t. Think of the children….

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GOP Hopeful Herman Cain: Jesus was “The Perfect Conservative”

…arketers. Herman Cain knows how to sell a product, whether it’s a pizza or himself. As primary season grows closer we can expect him to continue to fashion himself into someone that appeals to the fiscally minded Tea Party and conservative evangelicals. That is, he will try to be the “perfect conservative.”…

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A Philosopher of Religion Calls it Quits

…istic arguments he finds persuasive might not be nearly as persuasive to another rational person who happens to have different intuitions. “There are certain things William Lane Craig takes to be metaphysical intuitions, like that it’s undeniable that the universe must have had a cause—and for me it’s not. My intuitions are quite different,” Parsons says. And what then? He adds, “And then, once we’ve reached that point, there’s just no further to…

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Hajj Journal: Using the Toilet at the Grand Mosque

…o I made my way out and retraced my steps back to my spot. Well, at least that is what I needed to do—but this is where those instructions on how to keep yourself sane would have been useful. Try to place yourself somewhere and note with markers where you are so you can retrace your steps. The mosque is gigantic, full of beautiful and elaborate designs, with an immense number of repetitions to them. The stairs and the escalators are deceiving, tak…

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Muslims Wearing Things, Tea Party Chastised on Nazi Talk, and Politicking in Church

…ters gathered outside and prayed. A school board member in Tennessee said that if students don’t want to hear prayers over the loudspeaker at football games they can “put their fingers in their ears.” The schools have since put a halt to pre-game prayers. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell says prayer had a direct role in spiking her polling numbers. Can meditation change your brain?  The best response to Juan Williams’ fear of Muslims in “garb”…

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Crying Witch: Learning From the O’Donnell “Dabbling” Debacle

…gnized religious organizations, these are also extremely varied religions that, no matter what O’Donnell said on Politically Incorrect, do not require membership in anything like a “coven” in order to be official. In short, one is a witch when one claims to be a witch. One may be a card-carrying member of a coven that is also a legally registered nonprofit, or one may base one’s beliefs and practices on a given text (be it, on the Wiccan side, som…

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Pastor Declares “Civil War” After Supreme Court Rejects DC Gay Marriage Case

…Rights Act prohibited the marriage law from being put to a popular vote. That’s what really sticks in the craw of those opposed to marriage equality. “In America, we respect the right to vote. That right is explicitly protected by the D.C. Charter, but the government has succeeded for now in suppressing the voice of D.C. citizens,” said Austin R. Nimocks, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund. “We had hoped the U.S. Supreme Court wou…

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Is Islamic Homophobia a Western Import?

…ccording to his well-known Urdu-language interpretation of the Qur’an. On what basis can one claim that, despite all this, Riza Khan had still internalized a specifically Victorian homophobic outlook? Exactly how did it manage to poison the moral worldview of nearly all South Asian Muslims? This is what makes EHT rather precarious. In trying to identify the root causes of pervasive Muslim homophobic attitudes, it relies too heavily on speculative…

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