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Re-branding Is Not the Cure: Campolo & Claiborne Miss the Core Problem in Evangelicalism

…hristians are “less than” in God’s eyes will necessarily be regarded as untrustworthy partners in the common struggle for a just society. 5. Campolo and Claiborne even get their history wrong. What they regard as the first successful re-branding of Bible-centered “orthodox” American Christianity in the early 20th century was in fact a complete failure, just as their proposed “Red Letter” re-branding will be this era. They cite Carl F.H. Henry as t…

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Biblical Patriarchy Activists Name Michelle Duggar Mother of the Year

…t, the award, and the TLC show are excellent illustrations of how a Reconstructionist worldview has trickled into the broader American culture in ways that are not always obvious. Vision Forum and its president, Doug Phillips (who is the son of conservative movement icon and Constitution Party founder Howard Phillips) are strong advocates of the biblical patriarchy movement. Since the 1970s there has been an influential biblical feminist movement,…

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“Man of Steel” Brings Muscular Message to Oppose Right-to-Die Legislation

…hile tragic, is a necessary sacrifice to create a “culture of life.” These stories resonate; narratives of pain have an enduring influence on American health care access and delivery. Patients who are strong, who “fight the good fight” are survivors. To avoid pain is to be understood as weak or selfish if it can perpetuate life. Embracing trials can prove our value in the sight of others and in the sight of God. For opponents of aid-in-dying laws,…

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Forget “Nasty,” Trump’s Got a “Disgusting” Problem

…We need somebody that doesn’t have whatever it is that he’s got” (of Marco Rubio). Urination, perspiration, menstruation, mastication, lactation—all these functions of the body are disgusting to him. But he also frequently calls people, especially women, “disgusting” as when he recently tweeted: “Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia [Machado] become a US Citizen so she could use her in the debate?” In this tweet…

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Trump’s Muslim Ban and the History of Stolen Citizenship in America

…open. This administration hides behind lies and bigger lies to avoid the truth of its racism. But sometimes, someone lets it slip, and Trump’s supporters say things like “Muslim Ban.” From the time when President Barack Obama first ran for office, he was called “Muslim,” because people were afraid to say the n-word in public. The two terms became in many ways synonymous. The Muslim ban is a ban on people of color, and none of us are secure in our…

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Warpaint: What Does George W. Bush See in His “Portraits of Courage”?

…apes at his ranch and self-portraits in his bathtub and shower. He painted world leaders. “Before long I started to see the world differently,” Bush writes. Another teacher suggested Bush paint people he knew who others didn’t, so he decided to paint the wounded warriors he’d met during mountain-bike rides and golf tournaments sponsored by the Bush Institute. Alone in his studio, Bush painted their portraits from photographs. He writes, “As I pain…

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Poets and Preachers: How Black Literature Blurs the Lines Between Sacred and Secular

…inform. If I don’t piss anyone off, I do hope that the book will at least frustrate readers in the sense that some of the stories don’t conform to our expectations or assumptions about black religious practices, or black writers. What alternative title would you give the book? I was very fortunate to receive a good deal of helpful feedback when my book went through the review process, and I hope those reviewers see their advice reflected in the fi…

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One Hundred Years of Anti-Evolution Legislation Are More Than Enough

…e not fared well in the courts, including the Supreme Court, which in 1987 ruled that a 1981 Louisiana law requiring equal time for “creation science” alongside evolution violated the First Amendment. Unsurprisingly, the handful of anti-evolution education laws that remain on the books took a different approach, allowing (rather than requiring) teachers to miseducate their students. Kentucky’s 1976 law is the most blatant, licensing teachers to pr…

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When Religious Freedom Means Freedom for Religious Violence

…tion guarantees me and my church the right to gather together in person, virus or no virus.” Maybe. Maybe not. But religious freedom is about a lot more than temporary closings during a pandemic. The third, Bill Cook of Haymarket, Virginia however, seems to favor the elimination of religious freedom. He is the founder of the Black Robe Regiment, named after what the British army called certain clergy during the American revolution. “I could go on…

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No Schism Here: Hillary v. Sanders and Party Unity

…hat,” she added, “But I will take Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump or Ted Cruz any time, so let’s keep our eye on what’s really at stake in this election.” Without getting into who’s right and who’s wrong, I think it’s fair to say that at the moment, Clinton seems more interested in party unity than Sanders. It’s not that she hasn’t criticized him, roundly, or that she or her surrogates haven’t in some ways questioned his qualifications. But they’…

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