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The Protestant Mainline Makes a (Literary) Comeback

…collected in After Cloven Tongues of Fire: Protestant Liberalism in Modern American History. In Embattled Ecumenism, American historian Jill K. Gill has recounted in rich detail the involvement of the National Council of Churches in the anti-Vietnam War movement. Sociologists Christian Smith and Patricia Snell, building on an argument by sociologist Jay Demerath, contend in Souls in Transition that liberal Protestantism contributed to its own decl…

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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…zations and Community Centers, became safe havens through which distinctly American Catholic and American Jewish communities and identities were formed. In recent years, an American Muslim identity is also emerging from the long history of Muslim community building in the United States. This story dates back to the European discovery of the Americas. We often forget that Europeans crossed the Atlantic in search of trade routes that would bypass Mu…

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What is Juneteenth to America? It Has to Be More Than ‘Black 4th of July’ if It’s to Be Truly Meaningful

…Black life does in fact matter on a national scale which requires African Americans and all other Americans to see within the Black celebration of emancipation the universal human desire to be free from oppression. Secondly, Juneteenth must not repeat the mistakes of the inclusion of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr holiday in the American civil calendar. The transformation of the radical message and legacy of Dr. King’s life into a bland “day of servi…

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‘Cult’ Is an Inaccurate, Unhelpful and Dangerous Label for Followers of Trump, QAnon, and 1/6

…white supremacist movement that had no name, which I have termed the Euro-American Nativist Millennial Movement, were waiting and preparing to carry out a “Second American Revolution.” When Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995, he was hoping to spark the Second American Revolution. Instead, people were shocked at the loss of 168 innocent lives in the bombing. As a result, the militias that had formed, especially…

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Countering the “Countering Violent Extremism” Program

…ive coalition of civil society and civil libertarian groups, including the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “…the CVE agenda adopts a particular approach to religion in which the latter is understood to “cause” political outcomes, both good and bad.” There has been less debate on the foreign policy side. According to the State Department’s Sarah B. Sewall, the increased US emphasis on…

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#VanillaISIS, White Tears and the Adventures of Captain Moroni

…The Bundys’ movement shares with LDS a vagueness about its relationship to American Indians. The Book of Mormon links indigenous Americans to the dark skinned Lamanites, with whom the Christian Nephites were forbidden to marry. (These implications of racial inferiority have not sat well with native folks.) The Church seems to have no clear position on its tense relationship with American Indians; in this, LDS is not unlike the Bundys. Ammon Bundy…

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Occupy Judaism: A “Turning Point” in American Judaism

…the Forward calls it a “turning point” in American Judaism. The Kol Nidre service at Occupy Wall Street has blossomed into something bigger: Occupy Judaism. Jane Eisner, the Forward editor, writes that what is “novel” about Occupy Judaism “is that it challenges the establishment on several fronts,” not just a “direct affront” to party politics, but an “audacious display of empowered Judaism, conducted without the authorization of Jewish officiald…

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The Uses and Abuses of the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

…erased from the popular narrative. King’s legacy has been appropriated in service to American exceptionalism and Christian supremacy. In essence, to be a real Christian and real American is to be like the mythic King. In the years after King’s assassination, his opponents (and some allies) were relegated to the category of the “scribes and Pharisees.” Useful props to deploy to demonstrate the superiority of King’s approach of nonviolent resistanc…

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Packing Heat At Unitarian-Universalist Service

…hat’s mentioned above. A poster in the comments claims to have been at the service, and says that the woman “had come to church because of the sermon on civil rights & civility.” Given the ugly racial and sexual rhetoric that’s been floating around our political discourse of late, not to mention the embrace of violent fringe elements, not to mention UU’s recent history with guns in church, am I the only one who thinks making this point was a reall…

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Wait Until You’re Denied Service, Federal Court Tells LGBT Mississippians Challenging “Religious Freedom” Law

…having standing, but stressed that he had not been denied wedding-related services from a business, nor had he been denied a marriage license from a county clerk or judge. “Without more, we are left to speculate as to the injuries he and the other plaintiffs might suffer,” Smith wrote. “That we cannot do.” Essentially, the court determined that because none of the plaintiffs have yet been discriminated against under the law (which never took effe…

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