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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…h colleagues. A former federal judge, though best known as independent counsel overseeing the Whitewater investigation and the Monica Lewinsky affair, Starr’s name is often accompanied by “Clinton nemesis,” or “yes, that Ken Starr.” Here was a conservative, evangelical Christian taking the helm of a Baptist school at a Days of Awe-themed luncheon at Baylor’s Center for Jewish Studies. Starr’s host at this portrait of pluralism was Professor Marc E…

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Richard Land, Under Investigation for Plagiarism, Wages Religious Freedom War With Bishops

…ng convened by the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, an ecumenical group of conservatives believes that religious freedom is under a dire threat. That’s not news, of course, but you have to love how the issue is getting framed by its advocates. Richard Land, currently under investigation by his employer, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, told the group, “We must all be willing to stand up a…

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Why South Korea (and the US) Use Amusement Parks to Push Creationism

…0 visitors in three months. More recently, the STR began an effort to publically contest evolutionary theory by highlighting scientific discord over the lineage of particular species, such as Archaeopteryx. Nature noted that this is indicative of a larger trend: In a 2009 survey conducted for the South Korean documentary The Era of God and Darwin, almost one-third of the respondents didn’t believe in evolution. Of those, 41% said that there was in…

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Theology Fail in Christian Statement on Israel, Judaism, Palestine

…embroiled in a painful and divisive debate. The just-released statement “A Call to Action: A U.S. Response to Kairos Palestine” offers a Christian theological critique of the state of Israel and the Jewish religious beliefs that supposedly buttress its policies. Unlike the much-publicized Kairos Palestine statement from 2009, to which this new statement responds, the authors of Kairos USA are American Christian theologians, activists, and church l…

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Future of Liberal Religion: A Counterculture Blooms?

…s against racism, sexism, imperialism, and American exceptionalism, ecumenical Protestants prodded a reluctant nation toward greater acceptance of pluralism during the 20th century. Today, even a growing number of evangelicals treat those positions as mainstream—but ecumenical institutions have struggled. During 1960s-era social transformations, conservative laity withdrew money and support from organized ecumenism. Meanwhile young liberal Christi…

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Kosher Nukes: Israeli PM Consults with Radical Rabbi on Iran Strike

…well and of Rush Limbaugh.  His remarks about Palestinians and their political leadership have, in the past, embarrassed the Israeli government. In 2010 Yosef used his bully pulpit to pray for the death of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. According to the Jerusalem Post: After mentioning the traditional New Year’s wish of “may those who hate us be finished” Yosef reportedly said that God should send a plague to Abbas and the Palestinians, and the…

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Burning Man: Fear of an Alternative Pagan Social Order

…e tainted,” and of course religious groups, including conservative evangelicals, have had their issues as well. Although a few evangelical critics have written positive analyses of Burning Man, including an essay in Christian Research Journal by Steve Rabey, and a recent essay in Christianity Today by Phil Wyman, the gathering in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert is considered by many to be a deviant event, and a harbinger of spiritual and societal decay…

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Safety Not Guaranteed

Looking at the online flood zone map of our neighborhood, I feel calm.   I’m a bit of a map freak and I appreciate how clearly this one presents the information and how easily I can navigate within it. I know, vaguely, that the East Village is vulnerable to flooding from the East River but now I can see the facts. Zooming in, I see the exact boundaries of Zone A—the mandatory evacuation zone. It extends from the river up to the public housing blo…

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5 Take-Aways from the Newly Viral Romney End-Times Video

…ried not to do during most of the campaign. He talks about his role as a local LDS Church leader. He talks about Salt Lake City and Church policy. He talks theology. He talks about ultra-conservative LDS writer Cleon Skousen. He talks about violent end-of-days scenarios with a sureness and vigor some may find unsettling. And whoever has pushed this video out again believes that those elements will turn off non-Mormons, non-Christians, and the non-…

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Church Uses Facebook for Sacramental Scrutiny at its Peril

…ple to conclude that absolution was granted by way of the Confession app itself rather than, according to Catholic teaching, through the mediation of the priest. No wonder Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for World Communications Day earlier this year highlighted silence and listening—the heart of Christian practices of contemplation—by way of encouraging the development of “a kind of ‘eco-system’ that maintains a just equilibrium between silence, word…

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