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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…estions and answers, used for the instruction of Catholics). The Catechism calls on Catholics to act with compassion, sensitivity, respect, and hospitality toward homosexuals but it also demands that gays and lesbians remain celibate, refraining from entering into meaningful adult sexual relationships because it is gravely depraved and “intrinsically disordered.” It has little guidance on gender identity, other than noting that men and women were…

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The Auspicious Timing of Glenn Beck’s Zeal for Zion

…the rally, writes the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank:  Beck offered the apocalyptic prediction that “the force of darkness” would “attack the center of our faith” with “a two-state solution that cuts off Jerusalem.” He further predicted that, at his rally in Jerusalem, “the very gates of Hell are going to open up against us.” Later, he said that Israel may be destroyed “by Labor Day weekend” and that his gathering “may be the last time you get to…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…s Bible. These reminders frequently come as Walker seeks to distinguish himself from political opponents in Wisconsin—the ones, he claims, who’ve sent his family death threats and harassed his kids on Facebook; the “literally thousands of protesters outside our family home” in Wauwatosa. Some of these protesters have, according to Walker, driven past the house and given him the finger as he and his family raked leaves on a Sunday afternoon after c…

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Magic in the Air: How Intellectuals Invented the Myth of a Mythless Society

…on jumped in, assuring everyone that Japan was much more spiritual and magical than the West. He looked to me to confirm the sentiment, which I did my best to refute. But that reflexive response reinforced in me a suspicion that had been bothering me for some time already—which was that by continuing to use Japanese history to challenge the thesis that equated modernity and disenchantment, I risked reinforcing harmful (and incorrect) clichés about…

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Archbishop Drops the Girl Scouts Amid Alarmist Rhetoric and Fake Accusations

…g of a unified American identity, which he defines as a “set of core political beliefs enshrined in founding ‘sacred texts,’ like the Declaration of Independence.” According to Jones: …recent survey data provides troubling evidence that a shared sense of national identity is unraveling, with two mutually exclusive narratives emerging along party lines. At the heart of this divide are opposing reactions to changing demographics and culture. The sho…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…. State Department told embassies and consulates that they may recognize local celebrations. The Associated Press’s David Crary kicked off the month with a June 1 report on this “worrisome time for LGBT activists” in the US and around the world. In the United States and many other parts of the world, this is a worrisome time for LGBT activists, as the pace of civil rights victories has grown uneven and reports of anti-LGBT violence and persecution…

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When a Pride March Means Owning the Shame of Racial and Economic Injustice

…ajority of partners are already gay-oriented organizations. The collective self-critique that #ResistMarch hints at is well overdue. A couple of years back a Black pastor friend here in Los Angeles called to quiz me about the pros and cons of his century-old congregation involving itself in outreach to homeless gay youth, kids of color in particular who may not be inclined to seek, or interested to receive, needed support services north of the 10…

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A Meeting of Minds… and Computers: What Are the Costs of Using Technology to Merge Humans with Machines?

…pMind, a Google-backed AI system, used deep learning techniques to teach itself Go, a game far more complex than chess, and then trounced world champion Lee Sedol. Prominent scientists, Stephen Hawking included, warn that the rise of self-organized machine intelligence could be the greatest existential threat facing humanity. At the other end of the optimism spectrum, futurist Raymond Kurzweil dreams of immortality by downloading his mind and re-u…

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On Historic “Decision Day,” SCOTUS Sends LGBT Americans Mixed Messages

…to that couple, regardless of the methods used to conceive, or the biological relationship (or lack thereof) each spouse may have to the child. Crucially, though, three of the court’s most conservative justices—including newcomer Neil Gorsuch—dissented in the reversal, suggesting that nationwide marriage equality and its attendant rights and privileges could be more precarious than any of us would like to admit. Arkansas anti-gay dissent, by Gors…

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GOP isn’t Pro-Life After All

…atives have requested, with the goal of reducing premiums. “We have what’s called an X chromosome, which means we can’t have a baby,” he said on a Houston radio show to justify the oft-repeated claim that requiring plans to cover the health care costs associated with a pregnancy is unfair to men. Setting aside whatever meaning we might make of the fact that the legislator confused the X and the Y chromosome, Republicans are now on record as opposi…

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