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Istanbul ‘Haven of Sorts’ For LGBT Syrians and Iraqis; Cayman Islands Affirm Marriage Ban with ‘Holy Bible Evidence’; No Room for LGBTs in Malaysia’s ‘Islam-Based’ Human Rights Policy; Global LGBT Recap

…insurgents — is seeking a closer alliance with Europe and remains keen to promote civil liberties freely enjoyed in much of the West. But homophobia remains rampant in a nation where the conservative Orthodox church wields considerable influence and nationalist far-right groups have grown more prominent. China: Student sues over textbook description of homosexuality as treatable disease A Chinese student has sued the Ministry of Education because…

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Transitions: Caitlyn Jenner, Gender Identity, and Christians Behaving Badly (Again)

…ementary functions to them. In Genesis 5, the phrase comes at the end of a list of the descendants of Adam and Eve. Its purpose is clearly to make the claim that God of Israel was responsible for creating all the primal ancestors of humanity, not just some or a portion thereof. Likewise, in Genesis 1, that humankind was made “male and female” comes in the middle of a list of God’s work in creating fish, animals, and plants. So again: God created e…

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Without Judgment Day or Karma How Does a Humanist Confront ‘Trump Funk’?

…nfold, my Trump Funk even deepens. Most readers needn’t be reminded of the list of depressing executive actions and policies feeding our collective depression. That’s not why I write now. I do so to try to understand why, after nearly 2 years, the Trump Funk seems a nearly bottomless pit of emotional darkness, worse even than what we’d have the right to expect in the wake of a mere election defeat? Why the oft heard, but inarticulate, lament of pu…

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Marriage equality and ‘the end of Catholic Ireland’; Gambian Prez vows to slit gays’ throats; Colombian govt affirms support for marriage and adoption; global LGBT recap

…he publication, including words of encouragement directed at the activists listed who ventured into the Citizen‘s comment board. In fact, at press time, there was not a single comment supporting the list on the first page of comments at the paper’s own site. Cuba: Pride celebration includes symbolic mass wedding Mariela Castro, daughter of President Raul Castro, sponsored a gay pride march in Havana last weekend that included a symbolic wedding ce…

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Religious Freedom is Impossible… Compared to What?

…ontexts. As a thumbnail sketch of what big “R” Religion is all about, this list of goods is admirably clear. But for precisely that reason it begs the question against Sullivan and others who speak for the equal dignity of citizens whose lives do not aim at the alleged goods of ineffability, salvation, or transcendence. What reason is there to think that the goods on Koppelman’s list and only these goods are worthy of protection? For those opposed…

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Now That ‘Serial’ is Over: 2014’s Best Podcasts about Religion

…be digital confessionals, virtual booths for expressing fears and desires. Listening to a podcast is itself an intimate experience, not unlike being third party to a personal conversation. The Runners Up in this category are both known for using humor to explore otherwise difficult experiences. RISK! by Kevin Allison asks people to “tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public,” and it has quickly become the podcast of recor…

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Is Religion to Blame for Violence? Karen Armstrong’s Flawed Case

…stiest mass murderers claim religious inspiration. Defenders: That’s a simplistic way to look at an incredibly complex history that has everything to do with the coming of modernity and an abortive nationalism to much of the Middle East, and little to do with Islam or with a serious reading of the Qur’an. The problem with those who carried out the actions on 9/11 is precisely how little they knew of Islam, not how much. NA: For every Mother Teresa…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…sm, then affiliated with Jimmy Swaggart. In 2009, he was ordained an evangelist in the predominantly African-American Church of God in Christ. Charles Paul Brown Founder of a group of “immortalists”who believe unlocking one’s unlimited potential can lead to physical immortality, Charles Paul Brown died at 79. According to the organization he helped found, while “the ideas of immortality burned brightly within him, the living of it often eluded him…

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The Politics of Anti-Gay Persecution: Gambia, Egypt, Jamaica, Russia, with a Helping Hand from US Religious Conservatives; Global LGBT Recap

…f a memorandum from President Obama charging US foreign policy agencies to promote LGBT rights said that US efforts have been important to activists promoting equality and facing persecution around the world. Read the Washington Blade’s report here. On Wednesday, the Daily Beast hosted an event called Quorum: Global LGBT Voices that featured interviews with more than 25 activists from around the world to talk about “what is happening on the front…

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Christian Inmate Suing Indiana to Recognize Religion

…in addition to taking his religious items away, the fact the IDOC doesn’t list Eastern Orthodoxy in its religious handbook has meant no chaplains and no religious services are provided. Glenn claims he has repeatedly requested Eastern Orthodox services since 2010. The Department of Corrections’ Religious Services Director, David Liebel, reportedly told Glenn to be patient. “Prison staff,” according to Glenn, “do not know what offenders are allowe…

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