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If By “American” and “Religious” You Mean “Republican” and “Conservative Christian,” Then Yes…

…subpoenas as examples of anti-faith atrocity during the Obama administration, each carefully selected for partisan utility, and each highly disputable even among people of faith. “Sadly, these are not isolated instances of government attacking religious practitioners,” he laments. “The list goes on and on.” With primary examples like these, one suspects that Connelly’s list is actually pretty short, and carefully limited to matters of concern for…

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Conservative Mag: Glenn Greenwald Hates America

…means. In the case of the 1993 WTC bombing, more than 150 people made the list. It essentially means that Wahhaj was a suspect, almost certainly because he had allowed the Blind Sheikh, a conspirator in the attack, to speak at his mosque in the past. (Of course, at the time, the US government loved the Blind Sheikh because of his role helping the US in Afghanistan when the CIA intervened to secure his entry into the country despite his place on t…

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Creationism 3.0: Meet Intelligent Design’s Huckster

…f the book he almost acts like one.  All of which is to say that a laundry list of errors doesn’t get to the meat of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer is the finest kind of huckster: he doesn’t tell lies, he merely rearranges truths. Darwin’s Doubt is a toxic blend of hasty conclusions, cracked arguments, and terminological confusions. It’s also, for those who are keeping count, a New York Times bestseller. More plausible than the arguments of 6,000-year-old-…

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Sikh Prof Attacked on Heels of New Study

…urban is an object of enmity and suspicion, just take a glance at SALDEF’s list of Facebook groups below dedicated to mocking the turban. Many of said groups implicitly link turban-wearing to Islam, and especially radical Islam, such as “Roses are red, my turban is blue, become a fan, or I will bomb you.” Others simply mock Sikhs as foreign such as, “LSMMTUAFIMC = Laughing so much my turban unravels and falls in my curry,” which has over 630,000 l…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…Tarbell, Helen Keller, Margaret Sanger, Eleanor Roosevelt—it’s a very long list of reformers and independent thinkers. These are all WASPy names, as you may have noticed. I now want to add that in the American context, some of the greatest “Protestants” (in terms of freedom and spirit) have been anything but WASPy: I am thinking here of Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter and Benjamin Cardozo. And of Peter Zenger and Carl Schurz and John Peter Al…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…e Williams Jennings Bryan,” the late 19th-century Democrat and fervent populist who also had a penchant for gold. To his credit (and our panic), Bannon was surprisingly straightforward about his ideological goals for the next four years. He repeatedly called himself (and by extension, the president) an “economic nationalist,” point-blank admitting that the goal of Trump’s picks for regulatory leadership positions is “the deconstruction of the regu…

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Updated: 5 Lessons Learned from the Apocalypse Fail, Or, It’s Not the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel So-So

…tream). Terry Jones is one recent example with his attack on Islam but the list is long and includes such figures as Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and Jerry Falwell. 2. The Christian fundamentalists are not alone in this religious obsession. In fact, most religions project end-of-the world scenarios. Taking a step back from the current focus on Camping and thinking more comparatively, it is clear that most religious movements and communities incorp…

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Will bin Laden’s Killing End the Jihadi Trend?

…ills, which are either filmed or written, these young people report a long list of grievances that include the US military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the killing of civilians in drone and other US military strikes, Western support for Arab and Muslim autocratic regimes, torture, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and the “dishonoring” of Muslims around the world. It is true that the so-called “Arab Spring” has been a significant setback for al Qaed…

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The Rise and Fall of an American Gang: Religion as Camouflage?

…and describing Moorish Science—which in many of its Chicago manifestations promotes a “sovereign citizen” ideology wherein Moorish nationalism is, counter to Noble Drew Ali’s original teachings, incompatible with American citizenship—as having the “primary objective” of “connect[ing] African Americans with a proud heritage, thereby circumventing the stereotypical picture of Africa, its inhabitants, and their black American descendants as savage an…

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Purpose Driven Politics: Rick Warren’s Civil Service

…eaders Who Mattered Most in 2004,” and in 2005 the magazine had him on its list of “100 Most Influential People in the World.” Well-traveled, it sometimes seems that Warren is appearing everywhere at about the same time; from Africa to Washington, DC, from Europe to New York City, from YouTube to iTunes. Over the years, he has spoken at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum in Davos, the African Union, the Council on Foreign Relations, Harv…

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