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Did Romney Cynically Cite His Mormon Faith for Impeachment Vote as Critics Claim?

…ects, the senator couldn’t say. (He doesn’t have to face voters again until 2024.) But as he thought about it, another hymn came to mind. “Do what is right; let the consequence follow,” he recited. “And I don’t know what all the consequences will be.” Trump and his defenders got on high pissy-face about that. “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” the president sniffed (literally). “Nor do I l…

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The Right is Deeply Divided Over Support for Israel — Though It’s Not About Justice for Palestinians

…activists face increasing threats and intimidation. Right-wing pro-Israel New York City Council member Inna Vernikov was arrested for toting a firearm while observing a protest at Brooklyn College. At Harvard, a truck with digital billboards circled the streets surrounding campus displaying names and faces of students who signed an open letter concerning events in Israel, a harassment tactic utilized by pro-Israel campus organizations in the past…

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Boo! Trump’s Lead With Religious Voters Not As Bigly As You Might Think

…mportant numbers may be still to come, however. PRRI looks to be releasing new information on the Catholic vote on Halloween, a number which often closely tracks the final total of overall voters. It’s also a number that varies quite a bit by the racial breakdown. While Trump wins white Catholics 48-41, he gets absolutely crushed among Hispanics, 84-12. A few back-of-the-envelope calculations put us firmly in “Holy shit” territory. Even assuming a…

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The Right Questions Kamala Harris’ Blackness — Yet as Long as She Holds Any Power She’ll Always Be Too Black for Them

…the realization that mixed race people do in fact exist. In any case, it’s 2024 and race science is back in fashion, so let’s grab our calipers and do some skull-measuring! MAGA isn’t just ready to make America great again and again, it’s ready to lend a hand when it comes to the determination of who is or isn’t Black. And I for one am inclined to assume that right-wingers with no understanding of the history of race, racism, race science, or rac…

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Mike Johnson’s Porn-Monitoring isn’t Just ‘Creepy’ — it’s a Window to the Fascist Desire Driving the White Evangelical Will to Power

and lived with evangelical Christians’ views on porn. Despite the initial news coverage and subsequent outrage, Johnson’s pronouncements on porn and Covenant Eyes haven’t received as much attention as reports documenting and raising the alarm about his anti-democratic promotion of 2020 election lies in an effort to overturn the results and keep Trump president. This focus is understandable given Johnson’s ascension to a position that makes him se…

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Resurrection of ‘Comstock Laws’ Would Threaten Access to Abortifacients — But Even That Fear Misses Bigger Picture

…from public view. We therefore have to read between the lines of the many newspaper articles about injuries caused by Lysol and similar products. In 1934, for example, a short news item in the Hammond Indiana Times reported how two unmarried eighteen-year-old “Chicago girls are in St. Margaret’s hospital today, severely burned about their legs from lysol disinfectant.” The two women “received their burns in a washroom in Johnny Nichols’ beer tave…

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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

New York on Thursday, it was to be expected that the Right would take the news badly. And indeed—the various factions of the US (but also the international) right-wing have been in meltdown mode since the news of the guilty-verdict broke, threatening everything from violent retribution to killings. For those who had, somehow, still hoped that having a convicted felon as a nominee would finally be the red line Republicans wouldn’t cross, it must h…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…who spoke with Carranca about the politics and money of spreading the good news, from a post-Civil War influx of Confederates to Brazil to crusades against the beast of communism to the emergence of a new beast in need of conversion: Muslims. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Tell us about this network of missionaries, which, as I understand it, sort of flows from the US into Latin America and out across the world? Brazil at f…

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Alarming New Report Shows Attacks on Public Education Are Coordinated by Right-Wing Think Tanks

…bills, which rolled out starting in 2023 and became a defining part of the 2024 legislative cycle as well. Those aren’t trying to police speech in the classroom per se, because that [tactic] was running into legal issues on First Amendment grounds. Instead, they try to reshape what services schools provide to their students. These bills aim to create the language that talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion and talking about how to create…

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An Interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin on the Feminist and Abolitionist Founder Who Has Slipped into a Memory Hole

…hat he left the other Founders behind. Historian Jill Lepore writes in The New Yorker, “By the time Paine died, in 1809, all the surviving Founders had renounced him.” Historian and author of Thomas Paine and the Clarion Call for American Independence, Harlow Giles Unger told an audience at the National Archives that “history books, especially high school and elementary school history books, have sought to make Thomas Paine a virtual non person ….

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