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Allen West’s Communist Conspiracy Rooted in Christian Anti-Communism?

…Congress who are communists. His remarks were first published in the Palm Beach Post. In a video released to the Daily Caller (via TPM), West is shown responding to a constituent question by saying there are roughly 78-81 members of the “Democrat Party” who are communists. “It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” he adds helpfully. Where might he get such a notion? I have an idea of at least one source. In his 2010 re-issue of the Chri…

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‘Back Door’ Voucher Plan Diverts Tax Dollars to Religious Schools

…ic education are gearing up for a fight. In a recent letter to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Rabbi Merrill Shapiro, president of the Board of Trustees of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, wrote, “Who should make the decision about how much money any citizen contributes to religious groups—that citizen, or the government? Most Americans would have no trouble answering that question. All of us want the right to freely make our o…

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How Trump Got Absolved By a Widow’s Suffering: Carryn Owens as “Victim Soul”

…uries, the Catholic Church’s notion of “redemptive suffering” produced any number of “victim souls.” These were women specially chosen by God in some way to voluntarily and willingly suffer on behalf of others, to atone for the sins of their communities. Based on the example of Christ’s passion, victim souls from from St. Gemma Galgani to Blessed Alexandrina embodied suffering for their communities for a specific theological purpose: absolution. T…

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Updated with Audio: Secular Good, Muslim Bad: Unveiling Tunisia’s Revolution

…; in Turkey, some who refused to change their clothes were executed). In a number of Arab and Muslim states, you can go to the beach, get a drink, skip prayers, and walk around with your hair down. You just can’t expect that your vote will matter. Tonight, in one less country, it seems that may no longer be the case. That government was overbearing, it overreached, and now, it seems to be over. Let us pay less attention to the visibility of their…

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WikiLeaks Strikes the Vatican, a Camel in the Pews, and Luke Skywalker Tolerance

…rk’s Iona College. She worked in the school’s finance office. In West Palm Beach, Florida, a camel fell into pews full of spectators during a church nativity play. No people or animals were injured, though the camel will not be part of the Christmas pageant when it opens this weekend. A donkey and sheep will still take part. Elsewhere in Florida, a dispute in Boca Raton is raising questions about whether or not a menorah is a religious symbol. But…

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Shucking Off The ’50s. And the ’40s. And the…

…even the rich deserve political representation, though not in today’s crapulent and apparently unchanging form. A new and more just way of being together might be just the ticket to getting the American political whale off the beach. All it would take would be a charismatic and articulate leader, who, along with a thoughtful and responsible political establishment, could summon the nation to a new understanding of common purpose… Oh. Right. Never…

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The Ultimate Dirty Politics or Bipartisan Opposition to the Tea Party?

…cy Polling (described as a Democratically-oriented polling firm) tests the numbers in a two-way race with Rubio facing either Crist or Meek. Rubio still beats Meek, but a hypothetical contest between Crist and Rubio is a dead heat. The Crist campaign denies having any part in trying to coax Meeks to withdraw. But yesterday Crist added to the list of Democrats who have defected from supporting Meek when he secured support from the Palm Beach Democr…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…is worn by the men. They have two plain white clothes (about the size of a beach towel) which they wear. One piece is wrapped around their lower half, like a sarong or skirt, and the other piece either goes over one shoulder and under the arm on the opposite side, or, is sometimes draped over both shoulders. At certain points along the way with the hajj rites, they are supposed to change from right shoulder covered to left shoulder covered. It’s v…

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Beware of Yoga, Taking the Jesus Out of AA, Atheist Billboard Wars—The Sequel

…erans Memorial. The ACLU of New Jersey is suing the city of Point Pleasant Beach over the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at city council meetings. Oh, and by the way, Hitler invented the phrase “separation of church and state.” At least, that’s what Tea Party candidate Glen Urquhart claims. Could the coach’s Mormonism affect who plays quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles? Elsewhere in pro football, the Pittsburgh Steelers are a religious bunch…

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