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I Miss Tina Fey

…f course Sarah Palin. Catholics and religious right leaders have long made common cause on abortion but the cultural differences between the two groups is strongly discernible.  Heroic Media uses television, websites and billboards to promote alternatives to abortion.  Compared to much of the pro-life movement, theirs is “soft.”  That is, as an organization, they are not explicitly working to end legal abortion (I’m not arguing they don’t support…

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Tim Tebow, Protestant Saint

…the Broncos trailed the Chargers by fourteen. Tebow led a crazy, sprawling comeback that fell just short of victory, but ended with a crescendo of Bronco praise: “Tebow! Tebow!” Yesterday, against the hapless Miami Dolphins who were 0 and 5 going into the game, Tebow started and spent three quarters playing the before role in the saint narrative. Throwing errant passes, misreading defensive coverage, and threatening to leave the Broncos with their…

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Satanists Infiltrate a Ritual Abuse Conference in Oakland: Your Guide to What Happened and Why

…tory with the headline, “Brain-Washing Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party” in the Miami News. That article introduced “brainwashing” to the American vocabulary. During the Cold War “brainwashing” became a way to acknowledge the loyalty of communist soldiers while simultaneously discrediting it as a kind of false consciousness. It also helped to explain American POWs who appeared to cooperate with their communist captors. How did t…

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Sydney’s Anglican Diocese Gives $1 Million To ‘No’ Campaign on Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…ling, real uncle or aunt, or direct lineal ascendant descendant. It also recommends compulsory registration of all marriages, something which the panel itself had recommended to the government earlier in the year. “In case of non-heterosexual marriages, the fact that the religious or customary practices do not permit such marriage or prohibit such marriage, will not be a bar and the registrar of marriages will have all such powers to ensure solemn…

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Romney Credits “Culture,” “Hand of Providence” for Israel’s Economic Superiority over Palestinians

…usiness experience to understand why the difference is so great. “And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things,” Romney said, citing an innovative business climate, the Jewish history of thriving in difficult circumstances and the “hand of providence.” The reaction of Palestinian leaders was quick and strong. “What is…

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Reformation England Looms Over Contraception Debate

…nst our Nation than any other public interest law firm in America.” In the coming weeks, as the Fortnight for Freedom approaches, expect More’s name to be invoked again and again, and his martyrdom compared with, supposedly, that of 21st century American Catholics, who live in a modern democracy, not a 16th century monarchy. Yet in this depiction—wait for it—the Obama administration is like Henry VIII, attempting to require loyalty to the Church o…

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Paul Ryan: I Reject Ayn Rand, She’s an Atheist!

…nd her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and love.”  In response, a Ryan spokesperson said: Chairman Ryan remains grateful for Georgetown’s invitation to advance a thoughtful dialogue this week on his efforts to avert a looming debt crisis that would hurt the poor the first and the worst. Ryan looks forward to affirming our shared commitment to a preferential option for the poor, which of course does no…

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Could The “Grand Old Party” Now Be The “Gay Old Party”?

…voters, and prominent Republicans, showing support for gay rights and even coming out. That’s left some hard-line religiously conservative Republicans confused and angry. Witness the vehemence of such conservatives as WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah who took on Christopher Barron, the co-founder and chairman of the gay Republican group GOProud, at the Take Back America conference over the weekend in Miami. (You’ll remember, this is the conferen…

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Persecution, Betrayal, and the Zero Sum Fight for Global Domination — Day 1 of NatCon 2024

…we must unite and build internal infrastructure that binds us together for common cause with common enemies. Nothing is more terrifying to the opponents of our cause than the prospect of global cooperation among the ranks. Our power will rise in the coming decades in direct correlation with our ability to honor great leaders who violate the pieties in the global Left. Conveniently slated to speak was a member of that emerging global nationalist al…

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“Equality is Not a Feeling”

…r side of the veil.” “My entire adult life I have believed that there will come a time when women will be ordained in the LDS Church,” Pierce continued.  “This is the first time I’ve been able to stand up and say so.  And as I do stand up, I get many private messages of support from fellow Mormons—including people I don’t expect.” “After spending most of my life following social stigmas that silence Mormon women and compel us to feign that we love…

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