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Coulter Calls WND “Fake Christians”

…n such a spin he canned Ann from the upcoming Taking Back America event in Miami. Now, Coulter is firing back, calling Farah and his cohorts “fake Christians who are trying to get publicity,” during an appearance on the Fox News show The Red Eye. Thanks to her, they’re certainly getting a lot of publicity. Farah responded in a column in WND: Coulter called me a ‘publicity whore’ for my decision. But look who is on television talking about this—thr…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…ains, is that conservatism must be grounded in a deeper “ontology”—another common theme of the conference. “A secular conservatism cannot meet the challenges of the day, and an accommodationist Christianity can do no better,” he argues. Like many Christian nationalists, Mohler projects his longed-for “ontology” onto the foundations of the American order: [The language that] we are endowed by our creator with unalienable rights [is]…not just decora…

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Romney to Talk Mormonism Tonight: Risky?

…Back from my Bloggingheads hiatus, I talk with Get Religion’s Mollie Hemingway about whether Mitt Romney’s plan to discuss his Mormonism tonight at the Republican National Convention benefit his candidacy: And we also discussed the significance of the fact that Barack Obama is the only Protestant on both presidential tickets:  …

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Anti-Gay Forces On Offense in Europe; ‘African Islam’ Challenged by Extremists; Irish Marriage Foes & ‘Sounds of Sodomy’; Global LGBT Recap

…l Raymond Burke made news this week when he said the Catholic Church has become too “feminized” and blamed the introduction of altar girls for the decrease in vocations. David Gibson at Religion News Service reports that Burke also said that “priests ‘who were feminized and confused about their own sexual identity’ were the ones who molested children.” Also in the news this week was Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski, who sent a memo to all employees…

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The Panic Over Churches’ Tax-Exempt Status in a Gay-Married World

…tax-exempt status. Caroline Mala Corbin, a professor at the University of Miami Law School, reiterated what she told me last year: that if the IRS and the courts had not applied the Bob Jones principle to revoke the tax exempt status of organizations that discriminated based on gender, it seemed unlikely that they would extend this principle to sexual orientation discrimination. What’s more, she said, federal law bans race discrimination, demonst…

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Ignoring the Pope on Climate Change is Not Like Using Contraception

…rmines the foundations of society or gravely damages the moral life of the community as such, in such wise that legal prohibition becomes necessary to safeguard the social order as such. So, for instance, offenses against justice must be made criminal offenses, since justice is the foundation of civil order. Contraception, to Murray, did not meet this definition. Enough members of society, including other religious groups, were convinced of contra…

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Marco Rubio isn’t a Religious Panderer He’s the New Breed

…This is a measure more than anything of how conservative Catholics have become more “evangelical” in their emphasis on living and proclaiming a “gospel-centered” pro-life identity as central to their Catholicism versus more traditional notions of Catholicism that focused on private religious practice and charitable works. (One Christianity Today writer recently argued that Catholics are even becoming more “Protestant” in their relationship to the…

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Coulter’s Gay Gig Costs Her Right-Wing Gig

As I wrote in my previous post about Ann Coulter and her upcoming appearance at GOProud’s “Homocon 2010” event next month in New York, “words have consequences.” Apparently, Coulter is suffering the consequence of her words, and willingness, to appear at the gay Republican event. WorldNetDaily has dropped Coulter from its speakers lineup for the Take Back America Conference in Miami next month: Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of…

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“Biblical” Disaster: Understanding Religion in Haiti

…to stalk Haiti and the Haitian people.” Clinton does not realize that her comments would strike a chord with many Haitians today. Haitian Pentecostals, with their biblical literalism and their certainty that the second coming of Jesus is imminent, could see this time of tribulation as a challenge where the faithful will be rewarded on judgment day. Religion will surely play a role in the manner in which Haitians make sense of this tragedy, and I…

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Perry Taps Anti-Gay Crusader and “Prayer Lady” for Florida Team

…research has shown that it takes only 5 million voters to influence the outcome of an election. This is a do-able goal, and Champion the Vote is seeking Champions – an army of volunteers — to help with the effort. A Champion is simply a Christian talking to other Christians about registering and voting.” In November, United in Purpose will host “One Nation Under God” house parties, at which participants will watch video of speakers including Perry…

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