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“Marriage Savers” Lobbies for Repeal of No-Fault Divorce

…the other without permission was the reason behind America’s high divorce rate. In the past, Marriage Savers’ organizational work seems to have focused on encouraging religious communities to adopt its Community Marriage Policies to make divorce and unmarried cohabitation less acceptable in their congregations; as well as establishing marriage counseling, couple-to-couple mentoring programs, and pre-marital classes for congregants in local church…

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Evolution Debunked by I.D. of Bin Laden’s Body

…ed it with samples from half siblings, providing a 99.9 percent confidence rate that it was him. For background, “junk DNA” is the portion of the genome that does not encode for protein sequences. As PZ Myers points out over at Pharyngula, this noncoding DNA is “subject to random changes at a higher rate than coding DNA, because it is not subject to functional constraints.” Because of this, it’s been called a genetic fingerprint, and is very usefu…

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Can’t “Truss” a White Conservative’s Pledge

…ding that the black out-of-wedlock birthrate had hit 26%; today, the white rate exceeds that, the overall rate is 41%, and over 70% of African-American babies are born to single parent. Um, Hell-to-the-yeah slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families. White slave owners broke apart families to sell, raped black women, and often confiscated the babies from these forced unions. Somehow, conservatives like Bob Vander Plaats forget to…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…between the ages of 15 and 44 are uninsured, 13% higher than the national rate. Texas also has a higher rate of teen pregnancy than the national average, 88 pregnancies per 1,000 teen women, compared with 70 per 1,000 nationally. Yet in the face of this, the Texas legislature slashed family planning funding by two-thirds in 2011. The Republican-led legislature allocated another $8.4 million over two years to the Alternatives to Abortion program,…

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Mormon Numbers Not Adding Up

…’s about 4.4 million LDS adults. Phillips and Cragun also place LDS growth rates not at 30% but at 16%—a rate on par with general US population growth. “Despite a large missionary force and a persistent emphasis on growth,” Phillips and Cragun write, “Mormons are actually treading water with respect to their per capita presence in the U.S.” In fact, additional studies by Cragun and Phillips show that retention rates of young people (young men espe…

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Zeroes and Sums: Is It Wrong to Praise Paul’s Positions?

…cott Fitzgerald—that pleaded for the importance of the capacity of a first-rate intelligence to hold contradictory ideas in one’s head at the same time. I do, however, view it as lamentable that a lightweight like Fitzgerald gets the credit for what is essentially a theological insight with a long and quite distinguished pedigree. What Theologically-Informed Poets and Novelists Wish Us to Know  Others may correct me if I stray here, but what I see…

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Lila Rose and the Right Resurrect Malicious Child Predator Myth Putting LGBTQ People in Even Greater Danger

…This includes queer children. Queer children experience sexual abuse at a rate of 3.8 times the rate of other children. When Lila Rose and others scapegoat queer people as sexual abusers, they are scapegoating the very victims most in need of support and understanding. That scapegoating has real-life consequences. To understand these consequences better, I spoke to several survivors of child sexual abuse and asked them questions about the impact…

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Barack Obama, Pro-Life Hero

…conservative activists are finding they may apply religious freedom to any number of disparate issues. Apart from trivializing what ought to be a sacred liberal right, the widespread deployment of religious freedom arguments indicates a weak rhetorical posture. In each of the cases mentioned above, opponents of a particular piece of legislation embraced religious freedom only after other strategies failed to persuade. Such arguments thus served as…

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Ross Douthat’s Missing Pregnant Women

…e recent downturns have produced modest dips as well. This time, the birth rate has fallen fastest among foreign-born Americans, and particularly among Hispanics, who saw huge amounts of wealth evaporate with the housing bust. Many people may simply be postponing childbearing until better times return, and a few years of swift growth could produce a miniature baby boom. Good. Here we have actual people making decisions about childbearing, and in t…

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Are Atheists The New Campus Crusaders?

…SA has 78 campus groups per 1 adult organizer. And yet Cru is growing at a rate of 16 per cent while SSA is growing at a rate of 116 per cent. The presentation concludes: “Cru has a massively larger budget, the majority of the U.S. population to draw from (76% Christian), an organized political voting bloc to give them politicians and laws and supreme court justices in their favor. But they are losing in the cultural war. The secular students are…

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