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An Abbreviated Guide to 5 Arguments Against Contraceptive Coverage in Obamacare

…of contraceptive methods without cost sharing can dramatically reduce the rate of unintended pregnancy, with profound consequences for women and society.” Also, lest this get lost in the fog of distorted data, “reducing the rate of unintended pregnancy is by far the most widely accepted and effective means of reducing the need for and incidence of abortion.” LLDF adds the mandate doesn’t act to decrease gender inequality (a term placed in scare q…

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Vatican Furiously Walks Back Pope’s Understatement of Sexual Abuse Problem

…Sunday that the rate of pedophilia in the church was about two percent (a number that is 50 percent lower than the rate found in the US report of the problem commissioned by the bishops) it seemed a refreshing acknowledgement of the potential severity of the problem—until the Vatican began furiously trying to walk the comments back. A Vatican spokesperson said the interview wasn’t an interview “in the normal use of the word” and that the quote ca…

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Benefit of the Doubt? The Shaky Ethics of Giving Prime Time to Trump’s Propaganda

…st watch list were apprehended trying to cross the southern border (actual number: 6). These are the same networks that have reported for many months that the rate of unauthorized border crossings is way down, that experts who actually understand smart border security believe physical barriers don’t work, and that even conservative members of Congress whose districts lie along the border (e.g., Will Hurd of Texas) think Trump’s proposed barrier ma…

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The Right’s Satanic-Grammy-Panic Isn’t About the Devil or Pfizer or Even Scantily-Clad Women — It’s All About the Transphobia

…t’s almost like we’d have to say the quiet part out loud. This is why I’m grateful for Ben Shapiro who fearlessly climbed atop three telephone books to represent the lollipop guild and proclaim that the “annual trolling of traditionally moral people continued apace this year with a full-on Satanic performance from two white men, Sam Smith and Kim Petras.” You see this is not about the devil or Pfizer or my non-existent grandkids or scantily clad w…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…w says that when the pope was elected, nones viewed him with approval at a rate of 39% (that number may require some parsing since a third of nones had no opinion of Francis in 2013); today that figure is as high as 71%. But why do nones like Pope Francis so much? Many of them choose not to belong to a single religious tradition, yet only one in five of them dislike religion. Many nones say that social justice, care for the marginalized, and the p…

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The Unbearable Stupidness of Talking about the President’s Religion

…e getting the effing economy back on track. In short, the dialogue should proceed as follows: Q.: Is the President really a Christian? I mean, does his really really for reals love him some Jesus? A.: Listen, pinhead: the official unemployment rate is almost 10%. The real rate is more like 17%. I don’t care if the President worships a goat. This seems utterly simple. It can also be deployed against the pretensions of certain media figures of being…

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A Matter of Life and Debt: The Role of Religion

…to sustainability and just community. We could start by ensuring that the rates and fees small borrowers must pay on current debts are at least no greater than the rates that big borrowers pay. Right now we don’t even do that; it’s quite the reverse: our poorest and most vulnerable pay by far the highest rates, and this indecent bloodsucking—this grinding of the faces of God’s poor people—will continue if the “financial services industry” succeed…

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More than Half of Mississippi GOP Primary Voters Believe the President is Muslim

…s problem then, might not be with his base, but with the rest of the electorate to whom he will have to explain how such a big chunk of his party’s base has been saturated in anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. More data from the poll after the jump. On other issues, 60% of respondents in Alabama do not believe in evolution; that number jumps to 74% among evangelicals. Twenty one percent of all respondents believe interracial marriage should be illeg…

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For Clergy Who Ministered Through the AIDS Crisis Covid is Both Eerily Familiar and Puzzlingly Different

…Just believe that. And act like it.” People with Covid have a much higher rate of survival. “Eighty percent, eighty-five percent will survive this. And that’s a lot easier to believe than one in a million,” he said. “It’s baffling,” Jones said, “the difference stigma brings to a pandemic.” It’s the most striking difference between the diseases these clergy have noticed. An early AIDS diagnosis was often intertwined with sexuality, sometimes with…

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More Mixed Signals from Pope Francis; Church of England Wrestles with Rifts; Faith Groups Lobby Pro & Con on Irish Referendum; Global LGBT Recap

…Century book from France or more recent experiments purporting “to demonstrate that gay men’s anuses conduct electricity at a different rate.” Colombia: Court says adoption by gay couples OK only in case of biological parent Colombia’s Constitutional Court this week ruled that a same-sex couple can only adopt a child I it is the biological offspring of one of the partners. Nepal: Report recommends marriage equality, gives hope to sexual minoritie…

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