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Police in Ferguson Keep Praying and Preying

…laveholding Religion and the Christianity of Christ. His words still ring true with regard to the empty prayers of the police in Ferguson “They attend with pharisaical strictness to the outward forms of religion, and at the same time neglect the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith.” If there’s to be any justice for the shooting of Michael Brown, the pandering religiosity of the law enforcement officials will have to cease. What…

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Romney Steers Hard Right on Immigration; Huntsman Out After New Hampshire?

…ion that Romney is actually a moderate at heart.  It’s also being reported today that Jon Huntsman has once again reorganized his campaign, with the biggest news being his moving headquarters north to New Hampshire, where he’s currently drawing about 10% in the polls. In national polls, however, Huntsman hovers between 1 – 2%, raising some questions as to whether the Nirvana-quoting alt-Republican candidate will be allowed to participate in the Oc…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…it’s about the dignity, huh? And I love the comment under the above posted YouTube video by Epicrebt07: Nothing says “I’m secure in my beliefs” like a bitter, public diatribe. On Wednesday, the court issued a ruling denying defendants’ motion to dismiss. A hearing to rule on a plaintiffs’ request for preliminary injunction to prevent the prayers at a May 21 scholarship ceremony is scheduled May 3….

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Who Are Michigan Catholic Bishops to Judge?

…touch the lives of the 13,185 people experiencing homelessness in Michigan today. So, while I’m certainly happy every time the United States moves forward as a nation where there is truly “justice for all,” as a more or less practicing Christian, I find relatively little satisfaction in calling out the increasingly obvious thinness of the Michigan bishops’ complaint against Judge Friedman’s ruling. Rather, I am deeply saddened by the degree to whi…

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Jesus Comes Out for Christmas

…ng that every gay and lesbian person knows requires all the courage in the world—he came out. If you read the gospels you see Jesus constantly coming out—baring his real identity as both human and divine to anyone who would listen, and especially to those who would not. Like the gays and lesbians of today, Jesus made enemies when he came out. Jesus angered his family, he angered his friends, and most of all he angered those in power when he came o…

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Elephant Orphans and Ecological Spiritualities: An Earth Day Reflection

…athers at the Elephant Orphanage and nursery in Nairobi National Park. The internationally renowned orphanage, associated with The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and the Kenya Wildlife service, has successfully rescued over 150 orphaned baby elephants and the occasional baby rhino, reintroducing them back to the wild of Tsavo East National Park. Many people now know of the nursery through the extraordinary work of Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick and her…

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New Report: Young People Leaving Church for Science

…y more polarized today than it was in, say, 1978. I know that anti-science runs amok in churches today. I read about it every day. But because the churches I’ve attended have been neither conservative nor reactionary, and because I’ve spent the large majority of my adult years on university campuses, I don’t have any direct exposure to life in anti-science congregations. Have any of you left the church (or a church) mainly because of its antagonis…

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NPR Largely Misses Critical Distinction on Religious Freedom vs. LGBTQ Rights

…or the burgeoning “religious freedom” efforts we’re seeing so much more of today. But apart from the particularities of each state, there’s a fairly simple and reasonable solution to the religious freedom conundrum, though it requires the very distinctions between the public and private spaces Gjelten fails to delineate. The First Amendment’s prohibition on state establishment of religion can reasonably be read to mean that government agencies—and…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…concern prevailed. The brethren expressed considerable unease about a destructive bias in the news concerning Islam and deemed it imperative that the Mormon faithful be sensitive to Muslims and properly educated as to their beliefs. These aspects of the Mormon Leaks videos resonate with my own grassroots experience of the faith as an earnest community that seeks to be of service, and especially to be kind. While this may seem to clash with positi…

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As a Muslim, I am Exhausted…

…l lies.” His ethnic characters are realistically engaged in an anguished struggle for identity through rich plots of sexual and cultural politics. They are not perfect by any means and readers relate to them because of the honesty of their frailty. Many Muslims writers, filmmakers, musicians do this, but their work is often obscured by this orthodoxy of perfection and an intolerable public opinion which is largely uninterested in nuanced portraits…

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