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Christian Nationalists and the Holy Gun Crusade

…d Tweet advertising the same kind of gun the Uvalde shooter had purchased: The line used is Proverbs 22:6, and this phenomenon, the use of Biblical passages to sell firearms with an explicitly Christian context, is widespread in the United States. And this shouldn’t be surprising—as Brad Stoddard writes here on RD, “AR-15s are also increasingly the firearm of choice for Christian gun own…

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Fresh From Horrors of Draconian Anti-Abortion Laws, Christian Right Hoosiers Consider Draconian Anti-Abortion Law

…ically mature enough to withstand the strains of pregnancy and childbirth: To be clear, it is indeed morally contemptible to force a ten-year-old child to give birth, in the process subjecting her to many horrific consequences including psychological damage. It’s also very possibly a death sentence. The Washington Post reports that in Brazil, where abortion is…

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Sometimes Dialogue is Not the Answer and Neutrality is a Trap: An Interview with the Authors of ‘The Neutrality Trap’

…looking at the fundamental problem with how policing is conducted towards communities of color. The reaction of many in the conflict-resolution field was to propose some form of mediated police/community dialogues. [Generally speaking] we not only support the use of dialogues—both of us have organized and conducted many such interactions. But this was the wrong time and the wrong emphasis. Systems needed to be disrupted, a movement needed to be b…

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The Failure to Focus on — And Yes, to ‘Cancel’ — Right Wing Antisemitism is a Problem

…hear an outcry compared to those in response to antisemitism on the Left. Why is this? First, lest you think I’m exaggerating, the data pretty clearly establishes the fact that antisemitism on the Right isn’t discussed as much as the Left, and it’s true everywhere from social to mainstream media. See, for example, this comparison of historical trends in discussions on Twitter around antis…

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Evangelicalism Thrived Because it Enabled White Christians to Avoid Civil Rights Movements According to New Book

…recounted in a recent viral tweet, “people who don’t have any questions.” And now, implored to examine honestly the intricate array of forces informing matters pertinent to sex and gender, Mohler and his team have again plugged their ears. Their position on each of these issues, as on so many others, is appealing to many because it peddles an easy answer in place of thoughtful questions. A…

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Facing White Christianity’s Role in the January 6th Insurrection

…ctionists managed to do something the Confederate Army was never able to accomplish during the Civil War: fly the Confederate battle flag inside the Capitol. One widely shared image showed a rioter with the flag strolling by a portrait of William H. Seward, an anti-slavery advocate and Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of state, who was seriously wounded in the assassination plot that killed Lincoln in 1865. Comfortably intermingled with these tributes…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…s, creditors, and obligations. Forming a corporate entity, such as an LLC, comes with immense benefits. But also some strings, especially once it opens itself up as a place of public accommodation. Businesses must follow health regulations and environmental rules. And obey other regulations that keep consumers safe, including civil rights laws. Until now. The court just upended that system. You’re unlikely to hear about LLCs and corporations and t…

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#ReinstateDocHawk: Wheaton Does Not Speak for Its Students

…ian community resent, and one that is tragically hurting American Muslims. Many of my peers have impressed me over the past few days. I have witnessed prayer, courageous words and thoughtful actions like the #ReinstateDocHawk petition that’s almost at its goal of 15,000 signatures. I participated in a student-led sit-in at President Philip Ryken’s office where we broke into the final ver…

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The Desire to Annihilate Gaza Wasn’t Born on 10/7 — It’s Part of a Long Tradition that Includes 19th Century Travel Writing

…rse compared them. A Jerusalem street in 1900. Image: Though espousing a secular worldview, Twain paradoxically presented Palestinians as morally and spiritually corrupt, and therefore dispensable. The holy city of Jerusalem—symptomatic of the rest of multifaith Palestine—he imagined as “mournful, and dreary, and lifeless.” While partly directed at the American Protestant pilgrims in his company, his irreverent satire main…

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Between Butker, Candace Owens, and Nick Fuentes TradCaths are Having a Moment — A Moment With Something to Tell us About Christian Nationalism 

…traditional Latin Mass church in London, the home of her TradCath husband. Just one day after her announcement, the right-wing Catholic Identity Conference listed her as a speaker for their upcoming meeting. The cover image on the Conference’s website features Crusader Knights kneeling as a priest performs a traditional Latin mass. In early May, Nick Fuentes, self-avowed White sup…

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