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Психолог Онлайн консультации психолога Онлайн Онлайн консультация психолога

Protesters in Washington DC, the day before the January 6 insurrection, wrapped in American flags blow shofars.

Netanyahu’s Genocidal Religious Rhetoric isn’t Just an Appeal to the Israeli Right — He Has Another Constituency in Mind

…forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism… May God Bless Israel.” The widespread assumption that Netanyahu’s religious rhetoric is a cynical appeal to his right-wing base isn’t incorrect, but it isn’t the only explanation—and it may not even be the primary one. The success of his military campaign (and perhaps his political future), depends on Netanyahu framing the conflict (and Israel’s place i…

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Mike Johnson isn’t Just Your Average Christian Right Avatar — He’s Influenced by Fringe Movements Unfamiliar to Most Political Analysts

…of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic.“ In another 2004 commentary Johnson offered the “slippery slope” argument so common at the time: “If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. The…

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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

…for violence in the same way calling a group the Amalekites is a call for violence in the same way that saying it’s a religious war is a call for violence in the same way that championing the imminent arrival of the Rapture is a cheer of support for that violence. All of this rhetoric comes from the comfort and safety of great distances, across the seas. The violence, the brutality—that’s happening in the real world, to real people. But the forces…

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Why Don’t White People Show Up For Juneteenth The Way They Showed Up For George Floyd?

…er, “so when White folks wish me happy juneteenth i’m supposed to say…. ?” However, at the root of Manigault-Bryant’s query lies the problem with a federally recognized holiday to celebrate the end of slavery: Americans still can’t honestly discuss slavery. Even if red state legislatures weren’t aggressively trying to ban meaningful discussions of race and slavery, Americans by and large are…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

…hough Shea no longer holds office, according to Onishi this is no time for complacency: “[Shea] had become too extreme for one of the most radically conservative parts of the country. But he found a safe landing spot: the church. Shea is now the pastor of On Fire Christian Ministries and Kingdom Christian Academy in Spokane, Washington, where he regularly preaches the Gospel of the Redoubt.” While dreams of American Theocracy are being fostered in…

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A Christian Nationalist by Any Other Name… Is Still a Christian Nationalist

…al lawyer Andrew Seidel laid this out succinctly on social media recently: ‘I Like Ike’ cigarettes. So innocent. All of this (except for the National Day of Prayer) was done during the Eisenhower administration. By using Ike as his “innocent” historical example of a real live White Christian nationalist Woodward thinks he’s exonerating himself and others like him. But his claim only rein…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

…artyrs, and vowing that vengeance shall be theirs. As Peter Manseau wrote: This wasn’t the only moment where a Trump rally engaged with problematic music. Not for the first time, the rally played music resembling the QAnon theme song, “Wwg1wga,” much as he did in September in Ohio. It might be easy to dismiss the cheesy version of the “Star Spangled Banner” or the QAnon tune (which reek…

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But What About the Parents? New York Times Falls Into the Anti-Trans ‘Parents’ Rights’ Trap

…ng since recognized as a troubling pattern at America’s “paper of record.” The article, written by Katie J.M. Baker, focuses on the resentment some parents feel when they discover their children have been allowed to socially transition at school, using names and pronouns in the classroom that are different from those they use at home. In some states, such as Cali…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…reme Court, these are described as “conscience” exemptions. It has since become commonplace for Christian Right advocates to lump “religious freedom and conscience” together in this way. As the Trump Court continues to assert itself, we can expect further erosion of the historic tradition of religious freedom that has directed our best aspirations for a more just and democratic society. The framers knew there would be times like these, but they ho…

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Pelosi Attacker’s New Age Spirituality and Belief in QAnon is no Contradiction

…ing to right-wing, with a crucial pivot around 2014 due to Gamergate. Some commentators have felt comfortable labeling DePape “a far-right extremist.” Others have called this impulse to label based on a digital trail of crumbs futile. If DePape’s ideology seems obscure, the other go-to explanation has been that he’s psychotic and that his mental illness was exacerbated by drug use and homelessness. He was apparently communicating with an entity he…

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