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God Bless Islam with Courageous Leadership

…ely and help people think imaginatively? Or does he focus on impieties and promote the virtues of paraphernalia like the dress code and the mandatory length of facial hairs? If the imam is as wise as the religious leader in the Canadian sitcom Little Mosque on the Prairie, it will be a huge step up. Mosque committees share their burden of responsibility too. Often they appoint preachers by applying the lowest and cheapest standard; theological div…

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What the Lost Finale is Really About

…iche of world religions, a mash-up of myths—which doesn’t make it any less significant to its receivers. Myths are always mash-ups. The audience of Lost moves from a state of disbelief and objectivity into a realm of complicity. In a recent New York Times interview, co-writer Damon Lindelhof suggests, One of the things that we completely own is that in many ways Lost is a mash-up/remix of our favorite stories, whether that’s Bible stories from Sun…

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Is Christianity Simply About God Entering the Uterus of a Jewish Virgin?

…e following: the Inventor of the laws of physics and Programmer of the DNA code decided to enter the uterus of a Jewish virgin, got himself born, then deliberately had himself tortured and executed because he couldn’t think of a better way to forgive the theft of an apple, committed at the instigation of a talking snake. Since I live in Oklahoma (the purported Buckle of the Bible Belt), one might expect that Dawkins was envisioning a neighborhood…

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American Nuns and the Vatican: More Pain than Promise

…Roman officials smiled on her. While variety is good, efforts like this to promote one way to be religious and eclipse go against the grain. Feminine Genius or Feminist Genius? A close look at the text leaves me disconcerted on three additional fronts. First, there is the essentialism. Women’s “feminine genius” is a patriarchal fiction. Yet, it is trotted out time and again by Pope Francis and those who would curry his favor. In this report, “comp…

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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…r a partnership registration, we must have the name of the person who will sign the official certificate,” advises the online instructions for announcement submission, “For an interfaith event, please include the names and affiliations of any other officiants who will participate.” Religion here is a first-paragraph shibboleth, the entry code to the subsequent curriculum vitae. Over the course of the announcements, the so-called “Episcopacy” has b…

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Raising Children the Right Way

…n feminine behavior in boyhood and adult homosexuality. There are telltale signs of discomfort with . . . Boys and deep-seated and disturbing feelings that they [are] different and somehow inferior. And yet parents often miss the warning signs and wait too long to seek help for their children. One reason for this is that they are not being told the truth about their children’s gender confusion, and they have no idea what to do about it. Homosexual…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…within the Religion-Industrial Complex (see below), there is absolutely no sign that white evangelicals are ready to switch their allegiance in any significant way to Democratic principles or to Democratic candidates. Unless, of course, Democrats are willing to pander in classic Republican fashion to the particular prejudices of these religious voters. It is particularly dismaying to have to note that white evangelicals these days don’t even seem…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…in the college handbook. Does Crook see a connection between the worldview promoted at Central Baptist and the violence and rejection LGBT people often face? “There’s a lot of talk about religious bigotry,” he says. “About Christians hating other people for the way they act. I don’t think that’s true. We don’t hate them—we love them like we love anybody else. We just happen to disagree with them. That gets turned around into they hate us, and it m…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…“to secure the 41 votes necessary to sustain a filibuster against measures promoting federal taxpayer funding of abortion.” The Susan B. Anthony List, “a nationwide network” of over 150,000 Americans “dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics,” played a prominent role opposing Barack Obama’s election. ++++++++++ Obama Should “Bring America Together” by Appointing Bush-Nominated Judges, says the Family Research…

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Secret Treasure, Bible’s Real Housewives, & ‘Dear Lord, please don’t let me f-up’

…rown’s desk. Conservative religious groups are hoping and praying he won’t sign it. A conservative group in Iowa hopes candidates will sign its “Marriage Vow” which includes promises that candidates will oppose gay marriage and remain faithful to their spouses. The embattled Crystal Cathedral has voted founder Robert H. Schuller off of the church’s board and may become a Catholic cathedral.   The Dalai Lama turned 76 on Wednesday while visiting Wa…

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