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Anti-Vaxxers Illustrate Danger of Overly Broad Religious Freedom Laws

…only for religious believers. (In the military conscientious objector context, the set of protected beliefs was expanded to include a philosophical opposition to war that was of a similar scope and gravity to a religious objection.) But a belief that vaccines cause autism (which is contrary to all scientific evidence) is not the kind of life philosophy that exemption laws are generally designed to protect. And in fact, there have been recent calls…

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Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were it Not So Insulting

…of kyriarchal Catholic life, beginning with the most personal matters of sexuality and reproduction. Women also expect transparency of ourselves, one another, and our organizations. Let the structures and modes of decision-making in the Catholic community be laid bare, and then see if we all agree on how things work. I doubt it, and I know there are better ways to organize even a billion plus member organization. There are simply no excuses for du…

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Before Oprah, There Was the “Hour of Power”: Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert H. Schuller Has Died

…ng financial problems and infighting among church staff — including a rift between Schuller and his son (and heir apparent) the Rev. Robert Schuller, Jr., over the direction of church ministry — the Crystal Cathedral filed for bankruptcy, eventually reaching a $57.5 million agreement with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange to purchase the gleaming architectural icon of American Protestantism. Exterior of the Crystal Cathedral, 2007. Image via Wi…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…media as a few of his brother cardinals did at the zenith of the clergy sex abuse scandal). He also didn’t lie to us (at least not as far as I know), which is an all-too-often rare experience among religious leaders, whether in the throes of crisis or not. For many years as a religion journalist, and even as a columnist where I was supposed to offer my opinion and perspective, I kept my own spiritual and religious predilections to myself lest I a…

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The Plot to Turn the Synod into a “Plot”

…gives the pontiff latitude over the composition of the synod in Articles IX and X: In choosing those who are to represent the episcopal Conferences of one or a number of nations and the religious institutes in the Synod of Bishops, great attention should be paid not just to the general knowledge and wisdom of individuals, but also to their theoretical and practical knowledge of the matter which the Synod is to take up. The Supreme Pontiff may, if…

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What the Conservative Christian “Fake-Trans Bathroom Creeper” Has To Do With Suburban Anxiety

…rries about bathroom invaders, when arguably they were the ones trying to exert influence on a space that wasn’t exactly theirs. The language and behavior of other conservative activists is likewise instructive. Pastor Jeremy Flanagan describes Fayetteville’s increasingly liberal politics as a sort of invasion from within. He faults liberals for forcing too many rules upon businesses, even as he’s blaming them for not regulating bathrooms. “Sure,”…

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‘Good Wife’ Alicia Florrick is an Atheist (and Drinks a Lot)

…peats that she is a straight up atheist, not agnostic, not wondering. Safe bet that this is the most often the word ‘atheist’ has been used in a single episode of a network drama. The wrinkle is that her daughter is part of a youth-y evangelical group, having converted a few seasons back. The writers use her for comic effect sometimes, as when the grownups are in crisis around the kitchen table and you suddenly hear a group of teenage girls beltin…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…him “toward God.” You can read a “pro-family” review here that warns of sex (kissing) and nudity (a painting of Adam and Eve that shows Eve’s breast). When asked if she was exploring a presidential campaign in Iowa, Angle replied that she was investigating her options. She has since said she is not promoting the film because she is running for president—though is not the same as saying she is not running. For now it looks like she’ll focus on the…

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‘Politicized Religion’ Doesn’t Explain Evangelical Support of Donald Trump

…wo Corinthians”) as ordinary Americans are with the loopholes of the IRS tax code…‘The Art of the Deal,’ his campaign biography by default, is a human billboard for pride and lust…‘I’m a greedy person,’ he told an Iowa audience, ‘I’ve always been greedy.’ Prothero’s explanation is structured around the notion of evangelicals’ loss of their fundamental religious identity through politicization. In supporting Trump, Prothero insists, evangelicals “a…

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Anglican Bishops Punish Episcopal Church Over LGBT Inclusion; Secularization’s Role in Moving Latin America ‘Beyond Machismo’; Greek Orthodox Bishop Says Gays Deserve Respect; Global LGBT Recap

…hat support LGBT equality: “I hear some people who received dirty money to promote homosexuality in our Christian country are currently seeking to be re-elected. I hear one of them is seeking for a higher office. Elect only those that promote good Christians values because voting people tainted with such dirty money may bring a curse on our country,” Archbishop Ntagali said. Matthew Davies at the Episcopal News Service writes that Michael Curry, p…

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