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La Carmina, Author of ‘The Little Book of Satanism,’ Talks ‘Satanic Panic,’ QAnon, Japanese Satanism, and More

…nd staying out of politics, which contrast with TST’s humanistic values of compassion and engaging in socio-political activism. My book goes into greater detail about the two organizations’ central convictions, development, and leading roles in modern Satanism. Your past projects have included a cookbook and a book on Tokyo theme restaurants. How did you first become interested in Satanism? I was an early adopter of blogging, having started my La…

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As US Reaches a 1940s Fork in the Road — Which Path Will We Choose?

…emocratic leaders call this a “continuation of January 6.” That’s crucial, and we don’t know how this will play out. Another big, unpredictable factor is the pandemic. I think future historians (provided humanity survives) will debate how COVID helped push the previous president out of power, particularly his lack of ability to address it effectively. A third major factor is the midterms. Y…

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Baby We Were Born for War: To Dominionist Christian Groups, No Election is Too Small — and Colorado is Just the Beginning

…n,’ (SFTC) the extreme right wing group that has been demanding the County Commissioners declare Mesa County a ‘constitutional sanctuary,’ where state and federal laws don’t apply. The Commissioners unanimously rejected SFTC’s demand to do this because doing so would not only violate state and federal laws, but their oaths of office as well.” Political mixology The Coalition’s hundred percenters had mixed success elsewhere. But there’s an old sayi…

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When Fundamentalism Follows You Out the Door: Transphobic Statement Exposes Exvangelical Trauma

…ry target of the MC’s ire, which screenshots from the group DM make clear. The MC’s deleted manifesto was widely and rightly panned as antagonistic toward transgender women. In fact, in an attempt to stanch the bleeding from the divisive affair, I decided to come out fully as a trans woman despite not yet feeling ready to do so. Previously, I had occasionally made comments about being ge…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…a pandemic so we’re forced to accept charity from bigots.” After all, Samaritan’s Purse requires paid staff, like those working in the Central Park field hospital, to sign a statement of faith that includes the exclusionary tenet: “God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. For this reason, we…

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Why Does Trump’s Authoritarian Christian Base Ignore Never-Trump Evangelical Leaders?

…o our constitution, Biden is president-elect. But radical right-wing Christians will no more accept the legitimacy of bureaucratic authority when it fails to get them the result they want than they will listen to authority figures from their own broad community who break with the ideological dictates they hold higher than any particular person. America faces a murky road ahead, but this much is clear: progress will not be made by pretending that u…

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In Order to Move Forward We Must Believe the Unbelievable: Some Choose Death Over Democracy

…strated, and then you know you’re going to come back and do it over again. When people would rather believe they’re dying from lung cancer than from Covid-19—that’s what Doering reported to CNN—what can you do as a nurse? Nothing, except get “sad and mad and frustrated.” What can you do as a citizen? Well, pretty much the same thing. You cannot expect cooperation from people who believe coopera…

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There is Another Reason Trump Refuses to Concede the Election

…of Christian preachers like White-Cain that his election was God’s will.) It is, in this light that (at least in part) we should understand the president’s relentless, narcissistic self-aggrandizing, his perpetually puerile abuse of superlatives, his regular projections about the demise of mainstream media, his ceaselessly optimistic pronouncements about the economy (which of course may…

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‘The White Privileged Man’s Burden’: If Jesus Was White Who Are We to Question the ‘Privilege’ That Came With it?

…the United Methodist Church covering that? I think it could be important.” As expected some members of the Twitterverse took Metaxas to task for the troll-ish nature of his remarks. Some responded that “white people” didn’t exist in Jesus’ time period since race is a modern social construct. For others, the historical Jesus was undoubtedly a person of color, therefore Metaxas was fact…

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…emphasis mine], guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down. King received harsh criticism for his stance, largely from conservative Christians, but his point regarding the impact of portraying Jesus as a white man in contemporary America does require us to grapple with the history of white supremacy and how the image of “white Jesus” functions as a tool of racial subjugation….

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