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Will Christian Publishers Stand Behind Mars Hill’s Sketchy Legacy?

…their global church plants and their online podcast network. Now that the online buzz surrounding these revelations seems to have cooled off, the evidence doesn’t support the allegation that this was just a witch hunt conducted by those seeking to discredit a controversial “cussing pastor.” Rather, evangelical Christian radio host Janet Mefferd’s research unearthed examples where Driscoll used material from Peter Jones in his latest book A Call t…

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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…ring abortion providers is biblically sanctioned—had identified the church online, on a web page dripping with digital blood, and anti-abortion activists had frequently protested at Reformation Lutheran, sometimes entering and jumping up mid-service to cause a disruption. Nonetheless, it was a shock on May 31, 2009, when Roeder entered the building and shot Tiller as he performed his usher duties, with his wife Jeanne singing up front in the choir…

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Will Internet Kill Mormonism Too? Or Just Missionaries?

…is long essay from the Huffington Post entitled “The Hook of Mormon” about online LDS proselytizing efforts. The results seem pretty glowing: Whereas traditional Mormon missionaries convert, on average, six people during their 18- to 24-month service, the online apostles in Provo have averaged around 30 converts per missionary per year, says [BYU Professor Gideon] Burton. And these people stick around. Ninety-five percent of the Internet converts…

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Keep These Satanists Out of Congress!

…ng for state senate as a Democrat, by informing voters that she played the online computer game “World of Warcraft.”   The website declared, “Maine needs a state senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy world.” As in this latest instance, statements made “in character” were presented out of context. In any case, the strategy backfired. Not only did Lachowicz win the election, but outraged gamers around the c…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…with “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations,” in her case for her online work to support LGBTI teenagers. Russian officials did not shut down the Westboro-style protest by Official Street Preachers, a group of anti-gay Americans who held signs that said, among other things, “God Bless Putin for his stand against the sin of homosexuality.” ABC News reported on anti-gay violence in Russia, saying “Some of the most extreme anti-gay activists…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…“Young and Gay in Putin’s Russia,” which is being released online in five installments this week by VICE, “a global youth media company.” Actor Ian McKellen helped organize a letter signed by 27 Nobel laureates encouraging repeal of Russia’s anti-gay laws and asking the government to take steps to protect members of the LGBT community. On January 10, just a few weeks before the February 7 opening ceremonies for the Olympics in Sochi, the U.S. Sta…

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Catholic Church Ordained Women Before, Can Do it Again

…stered as deacons. But, before that, I will be running a four-week Massive Online Open Seminar (MOOS) on the past, present and future considerations of Catholic women deacons. The seminar will be online and free, and will include video presentations by myself, by William T. Ditewig, Ph.D. and by Gary Macy, Ph.D. This book and an earlier book featured on RD, Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future (Paulist Press) will be the seminar texts. Registratio…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…d to reporting on the hoax: “Pastor Joel Osteen Is the Target of a Complex Online Hoax,” read the earliest national news headline, NPR’s on April 8. This was followed by features in The Huffington Post, ABC/Good Morning America, and Fox News, as well as local Houston-area outlets. Osteen himself appeared on Good Morning America on April 9 to declare, “All is well. I still have my faith, nothing has changed. I’m really not angry, I don’t feel like…

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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…ne before the International Date Line),” someone posted on Latter Rain, an online forum for believers. By Sunday morning, new theories were floated. “It was God’s plan to warn people. It was His purpose to hide the true meaning behind May 21. It’s about us suffering what He went through,” a believer commented. One hypothesis had it that three days would elapse before the actual rapture, just like the three days between Jesus’s crucifixion and resu…

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Quitting Religion, But Not the Practice of Prayer

…ith traditional religion that continues to have meaning their lives. In an online survey I conducted in the spring of 2012* on activities that Nones consider spiritually significant, prayer stood out as the lone traditional religious activity among a range of practices that many of the religiously unaffiliated engage in at least a monthly basis. So, what are Nones up to when they pray? As the survey data suggests, the activities that Nones conside…

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