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Obama’s Religion Ambassador: Inexperienced?

…ioned in the White House press release (but somehow not available anywhere online, as her own Web site is still “under construction”), includes being the founder of Wisdom Worldwide Center (which has no Web site, online presence, or apparent physical location), Chaplain to the New York Police Department, and a member of the Domestic Policy Council in the Clinton Administration. Impressive, perhaps, for the Christian speakers’ circuit, but not for…

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Paranoia and the Progressive Press: A Response to WaPo’s Religion Columnist

…g and speaking at the event. Shouting “Harlot” in a Crowded Theater? In an online conversation about her article, Miller criticizes coverage of the movement’s excesses, saying “that clips in which ministers shout ‘harlot’ over and over are likely to inflame more than they are to elucidate,” saying that “the left needs to search its soul, as it were, and see that it’s guilty of the same kind of demonizing that one sees on the right.” That is just o…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…ly to feel a sense of stigma, highest among those living in the south. For instance, 57 percent of U.S. respondents said they felt they would suffer at least minor social repercussions in the workplace if they came out as an atheist, compared to only 35 percent of respondents in Canada, 24 percent of Australians, 15 percent of residents of United Kingdom, and 12 percent of Western Europeans. More than two-thirds of Americans said they would suffer…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…er of All Authority Figures, Yaweh, whose because-I-said-so! insistence on instant, unquestioning obedience to authority was matched only by his serious anger-management problems. When he wasn’t giving the Israelites carte blanche to bash out the Midianite babies’ brains and rape their virgins, he was hardening Pharaoh’s heart so that he could justify punishing him for having a hard heart, which is what attorneys like to call a nice point of law….

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Satanic or Silly: Does Yale Press Censorship of Cartoons Insult Muslims?

…ce again importing Danish butter. Indeed, the images are readily available online anywhere in the world through a simple Google search, and sites like Mohammed Image Archive make far more offensive images than the dozen Danish cartoons readily available. The cautious reaction by Yale University Press is understandable, but I find the rationale troubling, as it assumes that Muslims extremists await any new pretext to spur violence and that “moderat…

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The Best Books Media of 2008

…ecorded a version of “Hava Nagilah” sung to the tune of “The Twist”? * * * Online, I am grateful for the debut of Religion Dispatches with its pointed progressive analyses, and I am thankful for the thoughtful blogs that renew my faith in the form—most recently The Kitchen Table, conversations with Melissa Harris-Lacewell and Yolanda Pierce on race, politics, religion and popular culture. * * * Last but hardly least, I found some of the most provo…

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Battlestar Galactica and the Future of American Religion

…netic influence on viewers, pulling them together over water-coolers or in online chat-rooms and sparking conversations about ontology or morality among people who might otherwise feel no urge to connect. And anyone who doubts that morals and the meaning of life are the stock in trade on Battlestar might consider the lineaments of “A Measure of Salvation,” an episode that aired in November 2006. The story: A beacon left behind 3,000 years ago by h…

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“Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” Less Durable Than Sexism Surrounding It

Last week a curious headline began to make the rounds online: “Jesus had an ugly sister-in-law.” It was the title of a blog post about the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife,” a papyrus fragment that caused a media frenzy in 2012, and again last month. The fragment, written in Coptic and initially dated to the 4th century, contained a few explosive words: “Jesus said to them, my wife…” and “she will be able to be my disciple.” Harvard’s Karen King, who firs…

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Week in Religion: Satan Sandwich, Captain Israel v. Foreskin Man, Christian Missile Launchers

…oking for some clerical training? A couple of reitirees in Oklahoma run an online Bible college, the Apostolic Faith Online Bible Institute. A study finds that more education does not drive you away from religion, but instead liberalizes your religious beliefs. Israel’s basketball league is attracting Jewish American players skipped over by the NBA. Florida Marlins baseball manager Jack McKeon prays to St. Thérèse during the national anthem before…

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Sex and the Ummah

This was the title of a really good commentary for an online Islamic newsletter for quite some time. So, I’m not making it up on my own. This week has brought just a tad too many funny (or sad or sick) stories along these lines not to give it a shot myself. One of them was a report that Egypt was second for online porn inquiries. I didn’t read all the details—like second to which country? Actually, I thought it would have been second to Pakistan,…

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