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A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Unemployed from being a Burden to
the Rich

…so sponsored another bill, which was recently signed into law. As Argento explains: He pushed a law through the Legislature that codifies something called “The Castle Doctrine” which, in essence, makes it easier to legally shoot people, the reasoning apparently being that it should be easier to legally shoot people. Actually, he explained that the bill would remove your legal obligation to retreat in the event of an attack so you wouldn’t have to…

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Why the World Needs Religious Studies

…alking about the rest of us.) As far as students go, they need to practice noticing and talking about the skills and habits they’re getting in religious studies. They’ll have to articulate these things to their parents and prospective employers. I bet they can do it better than I have. When they do, they’ll be a lot more ready to take over the world, and that will be a good thing. This essay is based on a talk given to Brown University undergradua…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…pride in our great nation.” Learn Our History’s messages are all geared to promoting the idea of American Exceptionalism, and from the clips, they appear to be delivered with all the subtlety and Cold War fervor of the movie Red Dawn. From Learn Our History web site’s Frequently Asked Questions: What does it mean that Learn Our History is “unbiased”? Learn Our History’s products have been developed to correct the “blame America first” attitude pre…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…campaign later tried to amend the statement to replace the phrase “entire existence” with “sad, miserable existence.”] In graduate school, I concentrated in political philosophy and ethics, where I was rightly trained to be wary of arguments that tried to score rhetorical points by deploying a Nazi analogy, a move sometimes called reductio ad Hitlerum in philosophical circles. This tactic is a logical fallacy, typically taking the form of a slippe…

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The Rise and Fall of an American Gang: Religion as Camouflage?

…ociation with black nationalism, and their embodiment of that modern paradox—standing as images of black dignity and pride as well as an index of the “social and economic marginalization” of the community from which they emerged.   The origin of this project, we’re told, was with a 2007 episode of BET’s American Gangster devoted to the infamous career of Jeff Fort. Natalie Moore, a journalist and author of a book about masculinity in hip-hop, watc…

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Disaster Theology: Blame and Powerlessness in Japan

…ear reactors? Certainly. Does it strengthen our resolve to develop an ever better understanding of seismology? You bet. Do these guarantee that, going forward into an age of accelerating climate change and rapidly depleting oil reserves, we won’t take one hit after another to our most deeply-held belief as modern people: that we can do a better job of running the planet than the planet can? No. There is no guarantee whatsoever that we will emerge…

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Christocrat Competition

…diciary has taken us. Everyone today seems to think the U.S. Constitution expressly provides for separation of church and state. I guess you could ask any 10 people if that is not so and I will bet you most of them will say, well, sure that is so. And some would point out that is in the First Amendment. Wrong. Miller then recommended the writings of David Barton, and proceeded to quote Benjamin Rush, who, when asked whether he was an aristocrat or…

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Hail Santa! War-on-Christmas Outrage Over Satanic Tree Reveals the Self-Serving Ambiguity of ‘Religion’

…ailroad Museum in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin, began its “Festival of Trees.” Sixty-six businesses and charitable organizations, including The Satanic Temple of Wisconsin, donated trees to the Museum, which is privately funded and accepts no tax dollars (save for occasional grants). The response was predictable as conservative Christian groups rushed to condemn the five-foot tree adorned with red Christmas lights, upside-down crosses, and messages like…

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Cues for Throwing Up

…safety net—issues it presses with far less vigor than issues relating to sex and sexuality—does nothing to move Republican opposition. Chaput criticized Kennedy for starting “the project of walling religion away from the process of governance in a new and aggressive way.” They are not separate, Chaput (and Santorum) insist. Christians have a duty to keep them intertwined, a duty that they erroneously insist is required by the Constitution, but in…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…Electronica that almost requires a New Testament professor to provide an exegetical hermeneutic. The mixtape plumbs a depth in which twenty-somethings can feel comfortable; a no-judgement zone where their spirituality is not relegated to a Sunday morning experience, or divorced from the vicissitudes of their daily life. As I’ve written at Religion Dispatches before, there is a commonplace belief that there seems to be a dearth of public theologia…

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