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The Plot to Turn the Synod into a “Plot”

…gives the pontiff latitude over the composition of the synod in Articles IX and X: In choosing those who are to represent the episcopal Conferences of one or a number of nations and the religious institutes in the Synod of Bishops, great attention should be paid not just to the general knowledge and wisdom of individuals, but also to their theoretical and practical knowledge of the matter which the Synod is to take up. The Supreme Pontiff may, if…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…god.” But Christians are left wondering whether the papal encyclical will explain how the crucifixion of Christ redeemed the Sagittarians, or whether they had need of their own “alien Christ.” For the next few days at least the Vatican remains silent while that corner of the night sky near NGC 6809 is still pulsing out prime numbers. –Rome, December, 2055 _________ The article that may one day be written about religious responses to E.T. will of c…

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Will SCOTUS Call the “Bluff” of Religious Liberty Activists?

…us exercise, regardless of the impact on third parties and the harms done to them. And you can bet if that strategy succeeds here, we’ll see it in use very soon in other contexts, like exemptions to LGBT non-discrimination laws and marriage equality protections. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that….

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Why “Family Values” Defined Conservative Christianity (and Why “Religious Liberty” Has Replaced it)

…across the country to defeat the ERA. Beverly LaHaye gave speeches to thousands. Texas public school watchdog Norma Gabler became a fixture at the annual textbook adoption hearings in Austin, claiming moral authority as a mother to revise curricula according to conservative beliefs. Stories of these and other women fill the book, suggesting that family values made the personal political for conservative women. They understood feminism as a misrep…

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…lientele of practicing haredi men, whom he is convinced are closeted homosexuals. “I bet they have a wife and 10 kids waiting at home,” he says. “But the fact that they come here—it’s interesting, that they feel comfortable here.” A short time later, a swarthy bearded man wearing a beanie and a long black beard walks into the bar. (Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.) Al Bel rises to shout, “The rabbi is here!” The man, who asks not to be nam…

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How Herbalife’s Gospel of Health and Wealth Fuels a Billion-Dollar Deception

…er making a fortune selling wholesome living, Hughes died in 2001 from a toxic cocktail of anti-depressants and alcohol. The truth is, it’s perfectly legal to sell deceptive long-shots to the optimistic and the vulnerable. Just look at the lottery, or the dieting industry, or, for that matter, the world of prosperity gospel preachers, whose claims about the relationship between faith, donations to the church, and personal well-being strike many ou…

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Jesus Christ and Super Stars: How The Holy Rolled Mainstream in Pop Music

…experience it. Soon after the release of a Justin Bieber profile in Complex last year the internet exploded in mockery at a quote that emerged from the interview: “Like I said, you don’t need to go to church to be a Christian. If you go to Taco Bell, that doesn’t make you a taco.” Bieber detractors are quick to pounce on such low-hanging fruit as evidence of his dimwittedness. What was missed by audiences so eager for a punch line was a young man…

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Country Trumpkins

…f responsibility shown by “the darks.” As well, there are people who have explicitly chosen not to live in The City. Expats from the city, some wealthy, some less so, settle in the country. Most of these folks carry that “responsibility” frame of reference, which they link to the downsides of living in a city: noise, crime, asshole neighbors. There are also many people who grew up in the country and have decided to remain, or return after a few ye…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…tion is currency and anonymity is easy to come by. A version of this paradox exists in the realm of mass shootings, too. Acts of random violence often seem, in part, to function as dramatic plays for attention or celebrity status. The Orlando nightclub shooter reportedly checked his phone for news about the shooting during the actual event; the man who murdered hostages at the Hyper Cacher kosher grocery store in Paris last year filmed the attack…

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Lincoln, Clinton, and Trump: From Strategy to Spin to Straight-Up Bullshit

…e, a useful weapon in any politician’s arsenal, even if it is only an approximation of a more complex reality. In her invocation of Spielberg’s Lincoln, Clinton focused on a more shrewd, less familiar image of Lincoln. The particular episode in Spielberg’s film that caught Clinton’s eye was detailed in David Herbert Donald’s authoritative biography, in which the President denied the existence of peace envoys from the Confederacy in order to win De…

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