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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…ly Graham Crusade had, according to Landeza, been trying to enter the fire site for days. Landeza, who was born and raised in Berkeley and has ministered in the Bay Area for decades (and had been at the fire site for five days straight by the time this writer was able to reach him), said the Billy Graham chaplains were “not even from the area” and had driven in from other parts of California. “They don’t reflect the diversity of Oakland or appreci…

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As Court Prepares to Rule on Sacred Apache Site, Religious Freedom Faces an American Right Prized Above All Others

…. Apache Stronghold, a grassroots organization devoted to defending sacred sites, has challenged the proposed mining plan in court, arguing that destroying their sacred sites would infringe on their free exercise of religion, a right promised to them by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978), and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (1993). This case has precedent working against them, howev…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…ame-sex conduct in Nigeria, the report found that the SSMPA, in many ways, officially authorizes abuses against LGBT people, effectively making a bad situation worse. The passage of the SSMPA was immediately followed by extensive media reports of high levels of violence, including mob attacks and extortion against LGBT people. Human rights groups and United Nations “TELL ME WHERE I CAN BE SAFE” 2 officials expressed grave concern about the scope t…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilgrimage. For families, it is a place where people lay flowers alongside their loved ones, or walk amongst a grove of beautiful trees. The roar of the water falling into the two craters left by the towers is a poignant reminder of both that day’s destruction and the endless tears that have flowed since that day. Many…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…ve on the issue, will no legal rights or protections for LGBT people. Many people – including a 13 year old boy – have faced legal trouble for insulting President Erdogan. Sweden: Gender neutral pronoun officially joines Swedish language The Swedish language now official contains a gender-neutral pronoun – “hen” – in addition to the male pronoun “han” and female pronoun “hon.”    …

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Pope Francis Dithering About Women, Skittish About Cops

…mple, have shown themselves quite capable of doing their jobs while church officials have manifestly failed at theirs. When secular newspapers show more theological imagination than church officials, there’s a lot of room at the top. Women’s disgust and survivors’ on-going disillusionment are not feelings to be acknowledged and passed over. Rather, they present a strong message that Francis and his colleagues have missed the boat again in an effor…

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Report from Paris During COP21: Let Us Not Commit Global Suicide

…ine had come to a full stop, even though that was the line for people with reservations. (Reservations? Who knew?) We had gone for the show, not the protest. Being the kind of people who can neither climb poles or stand in long lines, or wait to get busted by the French riot police (they don’t seem to have read Thoreau on civil disobedience) we went across the street to the Petit Palais, where we enjoyed a wonderfully quirky permanent collection (…

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God Dissolves into the Occupy Movement

…dated ourselves to these new circumstances, but not happily and with grave reservations about where this is taking us. And now it seems a mainly youthful Occupy movement is giving voice to all of our previously silent reservations and shouting out a very loud non serviam! It really leaves the establishment with very little to say. What’s their response going to be: domination is good for you??  It was a little more than three decades ago when Marg…

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The Pope, The Chef & Krampus: Merry Yikesmas!

…de this year’s holiday offering from the Travel Channel’s food-porn hit No Reservations such a surprise. Anthony Bourdain, the celebrity chef and bestselling author, as well as the program’s host and guiding intelligence, has put together an hour of television that is at once a masterpiece of the “Culinary Journey Through Our Grand Traditions” genre of holiday specials, and a spoof of the same. The show pulls you along like a fizzy dinner party ch…

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It’s Official: White Evangelical Support for Romney Not Dampened by Mormon Factor

…als said they “strongly favored” Romney, and about 30% said they had “some reservations”—proportions just about equivalent to those reported for Romney voters overall. In the voting booth, partisanship trumped sectarianism. As we knew it would. But according to the Pew enthusiasm for Romney overall lagged behind the enthusiasm of Obama voters, seventy percent of whom said they “strongly favored” the president. Perhaps Romney’s team is to be credit…

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